~God Knows

I was thinking about a month ago (and typed this up then to post later)……

Thinking sometimes is not a good thing.. At least not Deep Thinking. But Typically even Deep Thinking doesn’t grab hold of me anymore.

I was thinking about sharing the story of my Son with a Friend I have gotten to know and continue to Know better. As I was going over on my Mind what I would say I got to the Part where Nathan had his Bike Acident and how I thought at first he was faking it. That thought reminded me of-

There were times, MANY Times when Nathan would fall and he would fake that he as hurt. I would run to him, “Nathan are you ok?!?” He would lay still. I would immediately start Praying. Only for him to open his eyes and laugh. He was always doing this. Or he’d pretend to hurt himself. He loved my reaction.

Then I thought about the time he had one of these Toy Hand Held Battery Operated Fans. It it a pointless thing. He traded something of his for this Fan. So one day he is holding it to his face and all of a sudden he starts yelling out and he can’t get the Fan away from his Face. I am FREAKING OUT. He could contain the Laugher no more… and busted up laughing. he had pretended his lip was stuck…

The Thought made me Laugh…… Then it made me Cry……..

“Oh Nathan, I loved you so much! What a good kid you were! What fun we had! I Miss you so much! I wish you were still here!”

And then my next thought was that God saw the Big Picture.

At least I KNOW where my son is, that he is in Heaven. Safe. In the Glorious Presents of Jesus Christ.

God was in Control and God had Perfect Timing!


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May 1, 2004
May 3, 2004

sounds like he had a love of laughter.. God bless


May 17, 2004

I really never gave much thought about Heaven or Hell or even if they existed til Jake died. I have to believe in Heaven or else I would go crazy. Hugs to you, Mouser. I miss Jake, too.

I’ve just spent the last three weeks reading your diary. Oh how my heart goes out to you and your family, I can only imagine what you have gone through. I do know that our Lord has helped you through these years of grief. When something horrible happens to us, Faith is all we have left to get us through. We never know what we can handle until something happens and we are tested……con’t.

May 21, 2004

….My prayers are with you and your family. May God Bless you all now and forever!!! *big hugs* Take care, ~MEL~

I think about you often and Nathan often. I honestly dont know how you get up and function each day. I know it has been awhile….but, for losing a child I would think you would never be the same. Your strength and faith are absolutely amazing. I will NEVER forget reading the days leading up to and after his death. You truly are a woman to be loved and admired. I’m sorry this happened to you.

June 5, 2004

Yes, God is in control. I constantly remind myself of that…..just in case I find myself trying to do everything and control everything. It’s still a struggle though. A “mom” thing. I’m sure that knowing your son is with Jesus brings you peace. I certainly hope so anyway. Peace is what mothers need…..what mothers crave.