
On Saturday we slept in a bit and by the time I got up, made Coffee & Pancakes and then ate, it was about 11:30am… Well everyday when I wake up I want to enjoy my Coffee and at least an Hour infront of the Computer reading News, Notes, E-mail & Responding, BEFORE I have to put my shoes on and walk the Dog… Until I am ready for the Day to meet the Public, I don’t want to take the Dog out to go Potty. Hense, this is why I like it better when I awake about 6-7am. Then about 2 hours later I’m ready to deal with the baby…er I mean Dog for the rest of the day… Ya know a Girl HAS TO have time to themselves in the morning.

At 11:30am I opened the Gate that contains him in the Bathroom & tiny Hallway, he ofcourse was Quite anxious to go out! I told him what a GOOD Boy he was. To be able to hold it 12 hours… Typically it is about 10 hours from night to morning. And as I told him that, my mind was drawn back to him as a Puppy less than 6 months and to Nathan.

Cockers are known for having accidents when they get excited. And Otto did that often as a Puppy. Nathan was always taking Otto out with him when he visited his Friends. They would bring their Dogs out too. But their Dogs were Big. I remember one time looking out the door to see Boys and Dogs running up the Street and Otto trailing running as fast as his little legs would take him.

Another time I was outside as Nathan stood at the end of our Driveway with Otto, some of the other kids came up to him with their Dogs and Otto got SO excited that he Peed right there. That embarrassed Nathan. We talked about it later. He wanted to know why Otto always did that. Why couldn’t he be like the Big Dogs who didn’t Pee when excited. He thought Otto was a Wimp Dog.

Anyways, last Saturday Morning I thought also about how Proud Nathan would be of Otto now. Otto has really turned out to be a really Great Dog!


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🙂 You cherish your memories.

December 24, 2003

thats so sweet, 🙂 merry christmas love and hugs