~Was thinking

On August 9th we watched a Movie called Blade. It was weird, but I couldn’t help but feel that Nathan would of liked that Movie. It’s been years since I thought that sort of thing. The Movie was trippy and good at the same time.

That week I also happened to watch one of those Search and rescue/Parmedic type.. Oh it was called Ultimate Survial. As I watched this one, I knew this was not something I should be watching. These two teens were driving and slide off the Road. into the lake. the one teen got out. His Friend in the water for 30 minutes or so. Submerged. The water was icy. His parents said he was Brain Dead and they were saying last good byes before removing the Life Support. When the teen squeezed their hand. He went on to make a full recovery. As I was watching this I KNEW I shouldn’t be seeing this. Then I saw several other things like where this guy was jumpping Cars on his Bike and had a Tremendous Accident. OMG the way this guy’s head snapped back and how he landed. And he Lives… That’s what is irks some to me. yeah I am glad they Lived but my Gosh they have accidents like that and they Live? It just isn’t Fair!

A week ago I was at the Grief Group and shared more than usual. They asked me about Brian and I and our Grief. I said that Talking to him was like talking to a Brick Wall. And then I also said that the Loss brought us closer together. But I have thought on that and it is Controdictory. So I’d have to say that in some ways it did bring us closer together, but in other ways it made us more distance from one another.

Thursday will be 7 years. August 28th.

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(((((Mouser))))) I have you in my thoughts.

hugs dear, i cannt even imagine, you are in my thoughts and my prayers


I know you already know this, but I really feel like Nathan is in Heaven. For whatever reason, he wanted to go and be in that all love and light. I have heard testimonies about people that have died for more than 5 minutes and come back to tell that they didn’t want to die yet and were given a second chance, sometimes it was because they had children they were raising, and other times they

wanted to stay, but God told them that their job was not done yet. And the kicker is that these testimonies come from people from all over the world,nationalities, and religions. I know you miss your son just remember the good times. I’m sure he loved you too 🙂 I hope something i’ve said helps.