~Rub it in

Mother’s Day doesn’t faze me, but Father’s Day does or at least did today.

Our Pastor had a Message today called, “Secrets to being a Winning Dad”. (I feel it was more geared to young Dad’s).

It was a great Message BUT…………..

~What about the Dad’s who already raised their Kids?
~What about the Dad’s that have raised their Kids and have Regrets?
~What about the Dad’s who lost a Child?
~What about the Dad’s who have no Living Children?

It’s kind of Too Late or Over for them to do what the Pastor was talking about in their Children’s growing up years.

Maybe the Pastor should of spoke on also of being a “Winning Grandfather”. Or how Dad’s can start being a better Dad to their Grown Kids. Or how Dad’s can be a Mentor figure to a Boy he knows who has no Dad.

The Song Leader sung a song about A little boy wanting to be just like his Dad, and the Dad being more like God. Very nice song but sad as heck.. I’m sure Nathan would of been like his Dad in many ways, but he never got that chance.

Brian and I both walked out of there Depressed!

We 3 spent the afternoon watching a few Movies and A Video of some Pastor. At 5:00pm, Sarah went to go get Shea, Brian went to his Computer and I cooked Dinner.

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June 17, 2002

*sigh* Why do these special days have to be so sad sometimes? *hugs*

June 24, 2002

Hey there my old friend. I havn’t heard from you on here since Nov 1998. You were my first note leaver back when this Diary thingy was brand new. How is the Good Lord trating you these days. I know He is watching over you. Just wanted to reconnect a little. God Bless and have a great day. <

July 12, 2002

Just cannot figure out how to leave you notes in your other OD, but just wanted to let you know I am reading it.

You had some good ideas there, maybe you should tell your pastor your thoughts. Same goes for moms. Have one especially entitled, “Dealing With Teen Daughters That Want to Quit Their Jobs and Think That They Are Smart Enough That They No Longer Need School Or a Parents Advice.” lol. Can you tell what kind of day I’ve had? Trying to catch up with you!