~Resting Place

We buried our son in more of a secluded area. And about 15 or so miles up the road. I didn’t drive Freeway and I wouldn’t drive the back roads so I just didn’t get to the Grave Site. Plus Brian and I were of the Mind that Nathan is not in that Grave. Just the Vessel in which his Soul once possessed. The one time we did go there it was awkward, but we wanted to see how the Headstone turned out. I can’t know for sure what I might of done had he been Buried in our town. Maybe I would of gone there more often and maybe not.

This woman (whom I’ll call (P) whom I wrote about who’s 9 y/o was killed September 24,00… Well we were talking via E-mail. She said that she had been to her Son’s Resting Place. I told her that I had been to my son’s very few times. I told her that I am sort of Jealous of these people who just Deck Out their Loved One’s Spot. I also said that I wonder what people think as they walk by this Site that is never seemingly to be visited. (P) wrote me back and said she would go visit Nathan.

I thought that was incredibly Sweet! She doesn’t even know me and she just lost her own son and she wants to do this for me? She said she would go on November 4th. That she would be taking a Friend with her, and she would bring something to leave. I asked her to tell me if any Grass has grown (but probably not cause this place has a Natural look) And I wanted to know if the Headstone was still intact…

A few days Prior I was talking with my SIL in Colorado and she said that my Niece who is (21) had been to *See* Nathan 2 weeks prior and that there was two Angels on either side of the Head Stone.. Oh that brought tears to my eyes to hear that. I have no clue who it is who is going there, infact I didn’t know if anyone did.. Or maybe someone who comes to visit another Site left those Angels there… Well whoever it is.. Wow that is just so sweet!

(P) did go *visit* Nathan on that Saturday, and left two Pinwheels on either side and a Cross. And she told me about the Angels. (I had not told her about the Angels).. She took Pictures. Just what a sweet Gesture to do. At first I didn’t care if she took any Pictures but then after she went I was glad she had took pictures.

I got those Pictures this week. I smiled big as I saw the Envelope in the Mailbox. I took the Envelope to the 3rd Bedroom, where all of Nathan’s stuff is. There is a picture of the Entrance to the Cemetery, (ya know I would of never thought of taking a picture of that). And a Picture of Nathan’s Grave site. There are like 3 Ceramic Angels and a White Ceramic Cross, and these two huge colorful Pinwheels. There is also Grass of sorts all around the Headstone and it’s still intact.

I have added these Pictures to the Binder thing I have about Nathan. (P) said that in the Spring she will also go to Nathan’s Middle School and take a Picture of the Memorial Garden they made for ..In Memory of him and 2 other 7th graders that died that year. I just never went to see it.. couldn’t bring myself to go there again.

A friend online was talking about wouldn’t it be nice to have a Web Cam looking at your Loved one’s Resting Place. For those who live a distance away and can’t get there could see the changing seasons there. I know sounds a Bit Morbid.. and then again, maybe not.

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Mouser,its not just a resting place for nathan,its a way for u to go on with your life and feeljoy again.Way to share moments and to vent your hurt and pain.I almost lost my son, (cont)

And I know I would want a place to take care of and touch.But that is me.At least u have someone sending u ways to see your son.God speed and take care.

You are so very true.Cause without the lord we would all feel helpless.Yes! God is the answer.

To read about peoples kindness to others helps with ones faith.Peace and love to your family.

November 26, 2000

What a kind friend. I like the web cam idea. I was unable to go back east for my best friend’s funeral. I would find comfort in some pictures.

I visit Mike’s grave very seldom. I can’t feel that he is there. He has a beautiful headstone and I go once in awhile to clean it and take flowers or something to add to the gravesite.

I just wanted to stop by and say thank you for your notes and the ideas of traditions to start with the baby, I think the stocking on the door was a good idea. Have a great day. Thanks again… 🙂

What a lovely gesture. I am sure you will treasure the pictures Mouser. I feel like you-that their soul has already moved on and we will be with them again one day in a far better place. ((Hugs))Movin’ Forward

That was nice . . .

November 27, 2000

I know how you feel.I sould of visited my grandparents graves while in Iowa but couldn’t bring myself to do it!!!:O)

god bless.. 🙂

do you have any idea of how close to my heart this entry is? there is a woman in the denver area who visits jason’s gravesite and leaves flowers. i don’t know her. but, i did take pictures and they are in the book o

of memories i have for jason. i used to go a lot, then less often but, i can always see it with the pictures i have. what a nice lady to do that for you.

re:mars> http://spacekids.hq.nasa.gov/2003/ in case you’re interested!!

I have visited my dad’s grave only two times in 12 years. I believe in showing love while the person is alive, and that the person’s soul is not in the gravesite, but all around us.

just when u think the world is beyond saving someone comes along to prove otherwise….Thank You God for your mercy & grace & the special people you have placed here for us:)

That was a very kind and sweet thing for her to do. It’s been many years since I visited my brother’s site. I don’t even know why. Hard for me to catch up, our puter is in the shop and I have to ‘borrow’.

Hey Mouser – This is “P” – I am glad I could do something for Nathan for you. I am the one who also put the white ceramic cross there for him. “P”