~Hard at Times…

Wow! Thanks to all. And special Thanks to Asoulinthinktankmode who wrote a Tribute to Nathan… 🙂

I was thinking about the 28th and such. Thinking about things that are hard for us. Thinking about how my friend in Colorado said that with Nathan’s Birthday and Heaven date in August that I should bring up and talk to my family about Nathan.. Talk about what Heaven is like for him. Talk about what he might of been doing here on earth and talk about what was…. And I told her I CAN’T.

I CAN’T possibly know for certain what he is doing in Heaven.
I CAN’T talk about what he might of been into and doing now…. That would make me sad thinking about what I feel he is missing out on.I CAN’T talk about what was and never will be again.

I have thought about how we 3 talk so little about Nathan. Brian never really did talk about him, just an occasional remark. I did for a while but sensed it was hard for Brian (although I could be wrong) and so I talked more with Sarah about Nathan then slowly tapered off, it got to the point that I cried every time I talked with her about him. Sarah talked about Nathan more but I think maybe she waited on us to do so too, and since we didn’t she rarely talks about him, (although I could be wrong).

I think about people who do things in Remembrance of their Loved One’s Birthday and Heaven Dates. We never have, it was just too painful. Although Last Summer I did say we were having Pepperoni Pizza and I made a cake in memory of Nathan’s Birthday. This year I made a cake but didn’t say why I made it. Some times I have Lit a Candle.

Alot of people release Balloons. Sometimes putting notes inside or writing on the outside. My Friend in Colorado has done that in Memory of her Daughter. She also has a Tea Party on her daughters Birthday each year and invites her daughter’s friends from like 7 years ago and they still come. Plus my friend has had triplets since her daughter died and so they talk about Lisa. Keeping her Memory alive. I admire people who do things like that.

Nathan’s memory is alive in each of our hearts, but privately. I know I think about Nathan every day some how. I see his picture every day which sits on my computer hutch.

My friend said that part of why they did all they have done, (releasing Balloons, having Tea Parties and having Heaven Celebrations) was so that her remaining two kids at that time would know that should something ever happen to them that they would not be forgotten. That Lisa’s Memory would stay alive.

I wonder what Sarah thinks about what we do and don’t do. I wonder if she thinks we have forgotten Nathan. I CAN’T ask her… It’s so hard to talk to anyone in this house about Nathan. ……. Isn’t that silly.. My OWN family and I can’t talk to them (at least without crying or feeling like I have just made them sad by the thoughts I brought up), but yet I can tell strangers, and respond to Posts and tell them all about Nathan and how I feel.

We were so good at appearing to have it all together, after Nathan died. In some ways we have done so well, amazing well. I KNOW it had to be from Jesus. And Wow! What a vast difference from 4 years later and 2 years later. I just never would of thought I would of arrived to this point. In some ways we are doing alright and in other ways we aren’t, (Just my Opinion, although I could be wrong).

And so another Birthday and Heaven Date gone by. No harder than any other past August’s, but for some reason I did think a bit more about it, maybe cause I had less things happening to occupy my Time & Thoughts.

Love to you all


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i know what you mean. i can’t talk to my daughter about jason. i do talk about jason to my g’sons. think about him daily. death affects each of us differently. hope you are doing okay. take care

keeping the memory alive is so much better than pretending they never existed. thank God for the time we are allowed to know them here on earth:)

1.A special welcome for you Mouser! This was our only way to show you that we care. I think that if it were me,I would always make ‘the cake for Nathan’and have pizza on his Heaven’s date.Either the same cake every

2.year or one that the family knows is in honor of Nathan,even if unspoken,and maybe make that a game night,since he loved the games so much. On his Birthday always put out a balloon bouquet. You know

3.I think your daughter will cherish that you have done this over the years as she grows older,even if unspoken at times. Often although ‘unspoken’ things like this mean so much to people. Blessings;friend.:)

Or the cake on his birthday…either way …something special that everyone recognizes as ‘Nathans’ on these days. It usually is the ‘Mother’ that has to take the lead for such things,although ALL care!!! Luv ya.:)

I’m glad you have this “avenue” here at OD to speak of Nathan as often as you like. Afterall….any of us who have read you from the beginning feel like we know Nathan as well.

My brother collected Hot Wheels cars (I have his collection on the wall in my den), so on his birthday, we all contributed to the collection. It was a good way to remember some little thing that was important to him.

I know how you feel. I hate to bring Mike up to Robin because it makes her cry, but maybe crying is a good thing.It’s like the poem I wrote:”I Love To Hear His Name” I WANT to talk about him so he’s not forgotten.

God Bless you! My thoughts are with you during this very thoughtful time.

Your family suffered a great loss, someday you might be able to talk more about Nathan, but just take the time you need to heal. You and your family are in my prayers.

August 29, 2000

I feel it’s important when you loose someone that you remember the good things!!I’m so sorry you lost him!!!~~~HUGS~~ God Bless

You and I are much alike, as I find it easier to reply to others about their loss, than to talk about our loss. Roy and I talk every day about Ben, but most people are uncomfortable talking about children who are no

…talking about children who are no longer beside us physically. Love truly never dies, dear one.


August 30, 2000

love to you to

to a wonderful friend you have always been you have always remembered my birthday so i do encourage you to always celebrate Nathan memory on his birthday and on any ocassion you want to and feel the need to.If it’s just to light a candle or even to whisper a prayer to God how you are feeling and your love for your child (son).Love G