Dreary n weary

I know looking at others are not what’s really inside the book (don’t judge the book by its cover) but WHY DO I SEE AND FEEL LIKE IM THE LONELIEST PERSON w my husband.   There’s no kisses, hugs…special moments…love?

I’m just raising my kids everyday like it’s Groundhog Day.  I wish I can leave him but I am a stay at home mom (for now) and I have to take care of the kids especially at this age where I’m basically just a chauffeur.  I don’t mind the kids but I want to feel love, be in love, hugs n kisses, be playful w my husband but it’s all gone and we both know that….not even sure if anyone will read this but cheers to my 1st diary 🥹 7/25/23

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July 26, 2023

I love the name handle! honey, it is easy to divorce it hard to hit the plateau of married life! What you are describing is the same feeling my grandmothers had during their lives with my grandfathers…. Be encouraged and remember that kids fair out better when they see a steady functioning family as opposed to broken ones.. don’t be fooled by television where they couples have romantic feelings displayed for the duration of the show. You must find a way to endure and continue while persevering your sanity. Be encouraged and keep doing what you do! Being a mother means you have chosen to sacrifice yourself for the sake of your children. Be encouraged and continue pushing through each day knowing you have an important role in their lives. Everything you do is their baseline of normalcy. Life seems dry at times but when you get to the end and see that you endured you will be happy. Your children will remember that you are loyal and strong. They will come to you for advice on their feelings and you will have the task of telling them that marriage isn’t about romance but rather enduring the dry spells. Good luck and cheers to your fir entry!