Lesson learnd

Its so easy to say things, why can’t it be so easy to mean them?

Ever look someone in the eyes and lie to them, whether it be something small or big? Do you feel bad about it later, or maybe even bad enough to tell them you just lied? Do you ever wonder when you look someone in the eyes if they are telling you the truth? Do you ever wonder if they love or care about you enough to just be honest no matter how bad it really is?
Its funny the things we say and the things we really mean. I ask my self all the time do I really mean everything that comes from my mouth? You know its bad when you even question your self. Makes you wonder who’s really fake or who’s really real. Its very easy to be fake behind someone’s back, however is it so easy to be real to their face?

Its funny when you talk to a female they’ll say males lie more than females, and a male will say the opposite. The truth is neither of which are any better. Its not a matter of which sex you are its a matter of what kind of person you are. A female and be just as cruel and heartless as a male. In fact sometimes they can even be worse. Both party’s have their faults.
  I wish I knew in my relationship who was really at fault. I feel like the bad guy and I did something wrong, and he’s the one who cheated and lied. I don’t understand why my world came to a stop and his didn’t. I guess any person who is cheated on would feel that way right? Whether it be a guy or girl it would still hurt either just as bad.

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