Easier said than done

When your young dating or being in love is the last thing on your mind. Even when you do date its not a big deal because he’s not your whole world. It’s easier to date when your younger because there is less at stake then. There is no such thing as being really in love. If you get hurts its something almost so simple. Yet as we get over the relationships seem to become so intense. It seems almost although we put everything we are in being with that one person because we really believe in our hearts that we found true love.
Dating someone is easy, but being in a relationship is hard work. Something we have to work at everyday as long as we are in the relationship. Everyday is a battle to keep each other, the real question is in the end who’s fighting more?
What happens when your the only one fighting with everything you have and everything you are for something to work? What happens when in the end you ended up being the only one trying at all?
What happens when your fighting for them and they are fighting for another? Truth is sometimes that’s just what love really is, its nothing but pain and hopelessness. It’s sometimes a battle not worth fighting.
How do you look someone in the eyes everyday saying you love them, while your laying in bed with someone else? To press your lips to someone’s, then to lay naked with someone else. Getting down on one knee to ask will you marry me, to sneaking around. I don’t know what sucks more hearing it from the friends or them. Looking back on everything you ever fought for, thinking you weren’t fighting hard enough and here it wasn’t you at all. In fact, they just could figure out what looked better. Yeah secrets hurt, but lying kills…

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