Standing and Watching

       Funny I look back and smile at everything we have been through and it warms my heart to know we’ve come this far. Almost a year, going through so much, that at one time I was scared we would never have anything again. Off and on we had our fights and dissagreements, but we’ve came this far with so much ahead of us to go through.
      I never thought true love could feel so amazing. There aren’t any words to describe how I feel about you. I look into those eyes of your’s and my heart just melts everytime. When your away all I want to do is be wrapped up so tight in your arms. To lay my head on your chest and hear the soft beating of your heart. Closing my eyes excited to wake up with you laying right there besides me. Knowing you have so much love me as I do for you. Play fighting and laughing at all the silly things you do. Your love is something out of this world and I could never ask for anything more.  Walking down the street holding your hand, I’m so very proud to say your mine. I look around and I’m thankful to say I’m with him. I could never look at someone the way I look at you. You hold all my dreams and hopes. Always there to pick me up when I fall and there to whipe away my tears. Your not only the love of my life, but my best friend. Your the air I breathe, my sky above, the warmth I feel on my skin, the center of my world.  
     Baby your my dream come true and I never want to be without you. I love you more than words can describ. Knowing that your always there gives me the strength to keep going. You give me a reason to wake up in the morning and always try my hardest, for I know your always proud of me. You don’t judge nor push me away. When you take my hand I can’t but smile for I know when you kiss me your going to take away my breath. 

                                     I love you Eli Ruffing!

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