So, on the upside…

Well I have a job, I think, but yeah, I have a new job. Waiting on all the pre-paperwork to fill out. Now the “new job” jitters come into place. For 2 weeks I will have to do 80+ mile round trips and the rest of 2 months will be training, but when it’s all said and done I will be back in the game.

I walked away from it almost 20 years ago and another has changed, but I’m back to managing convenience stores. Thing is, IL be making the best salary I’ve ever made.

That scares me. Silly, but it does. What if I suck? What happens if I lose this job?

Although I know I can do it. I just want to shake it all up along with job, but I can’t right now. The last 2 months of worry and attempts have left a poor taste in my mouth about my apartment,  this village, and the people around me. Here I thought I would have been welcomed back and here 5 months later its like I never moved back. I’ve contacted people and told them I was back in town. Nothing. My kids seem to like the idea I’m here, yet never take advantage of it. Seems the only ones that are getting something out of it are the ex and my sister as they put all the “drives” on me that they plan and don’t want to do.

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July 12, 2023

So happy to read this about your new job.  I hate new job jitters but they don’t usually last long.  It sounds like a good job and the good pay makes it even better.  You won’t suck…you’ve got this.

July 12, 2023

@happyathome Thank you lady.. 😊

July 12, 2023

One day at a time.  It’s all any of us have, and none of us can see the future.

July 13, 2023

I hope your job goes well, you meet some new and fun people!