
I’m starting to realize I’m useless to everyone. Don’t get me wrong, my boys love me, but I’m the last person they come to for advise, answers, or essentially anything. I’m useless to women because through not fault of my own, I lost my marriage, my savings, my employment.

I have never started a day out wondering how I can fuck shit up for me or anyone. I am there for the kids. I was there everyday for her, her needs, her wants. I worked hard and busted my ass at my jobs.

So here I am broke, unemployed,  and alone. No one wants to included me, but everyone gets to judge me.

I do the work. I have made myself healthier. I have learned to quiet my “bad” thought. I have turned more focus on me. But, nothing better. No one calls, no one visits, no one invites.

I don’t what I’m thinking anymore. Things are only going to get worse.

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June 6, 2023

no hope on the job front??  I’m sorry things are so bumpy

June 6, 2023

@strawberryjelly Nor that there’s no hope, I just haven’t the drive anymore. I know I have a cheering section here on OD, it’s just the lack of one off of it that’s killing me.

June 6, 2023

@newt316 I know…I still can feel the hurt in your entries.  I’m sorry that this pain has lingered.