It’s been a while


I’ve thought about OD quite often since I was last here, although I couldn’t quite remember when that time was.  I wondered over today, but not before I had to go hunting for what my password use to be…. and I "thought" I remembered my sign in name.  I enjoyed visiting a few in particular who I think about often, and wondered how they were doing. 


My update:


I’m not with CGS anymore, a horse rescue organization.  It’s a long story, so one I wont get in to.  I am though, finally living on property again with my horses.  My children are loving in, and I’m restarting my riding business again.


My surrogate children are growing so fast.  Mimi is almost 8yo, her sister just turned 2yo…. and Cassidy recently turned 3yo.  They all leave me speechless.  Cassidy is coming to visit for four days in September.  Well, a few more days extra since her mom will be staying with her, but then alone with us while her mom visits a few states away.  I feel wowed, I’m being trusted with her.  Her mom says that she doesn’t trust leaving her with anyone else.  Her mom is so sweet – stories that I hear leave me laughing, Cassidy is a "mini me"… she chose the BEST mom in the world to raise her in this life πŸ™‚  I am so proud of that family.


My own children are now (almosts) 14, 11, and 6.  WHERE DOES THE TIME GO???  My near 6yo is starting kindergarten next month.  She’s excited πŸ™‚


I have another little girl, Emily, who’s almost 10wks old now.  Emily is a little dream come true.  It took three years to find the right donor to have her…. lots of tears, as my arms ached for her but couldn’t find the person to donate who felt "right".  Maybe she was leading me from the other side… someone sure knew who it was suppose to be.  He appeared at just the right time, and our friendship grew.  He donated, and three days after insems he flew back to his home town (china) for the next five months.  I shared with him over chat the positive tests, and kept a diary going on a site that China allows to be visited.  Once he returned I continued it on a site that allows pictures.  Although "dad" wasn’t what was planned, it all fell that direction.  He is the best father, I am so thankful to him.  With him being gay, there’s not a chance at weird "I’m so in love with you, lets get together" which was almost on purpose.  I’m happy single, I am focused on raising my children in a safe environment (not men coming in and out of their lives).  It has been such a joy at sharing Emily with her dad so he can experience things also.


Her diary is:



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