
So much to say, but I’ll try to do a quick update


First, let me start with my kids since it all basically surrounds them.


Jonah – turning 12yo on Nov. 9th (son)

Alyssa – turning 9yo on Oct. 19th (daughter)

Mimi – turning 6yo on Dec. 5th (surro-daughter TSx1)

Katie – turning 4yo on Sept. 17th (daughter)

Cassidy – 16mo (surro-daughter TSx2)

Loraine – 7 weeks (surro-daughter, sibling to TSx1)


Loraine was born July 27th in a planned homebirth, but not where I expected to deliver.  My plan was to be at her parents house, deliver in a tub of water (ahhhh), and crawl into bed.  Not so lucky.  I went from quiet contractions to climbing the back of the chair crying (OMFG it hurt like HELL – I was NOT ready for that).  The midwife made it there, checked me and said I wasn’t going anywhere.  They quickly made do with what I had at my house and quickly set up.  Loraine’s parents made it there with 10min to spare.  Daddy washed his hands just in time to deliver his daughter 😀  She nursed like a champ, and four hours after delivering we were loading up into their van to go to their house.  As discussed before conceiving her, I stayed for a week… nursed her around the clock (including through the night where she slept with me) for the first three days, and then during the day for the next few days and she was given a bottle at night while she slept with her parents, and I pumped.  It was actually a relief to pump, she had a suck that hurt and had me cringing each time she latched on.  I love every moment though, and every moment with her 🙂  Her big sister, Mimi, was so excited!  My time there also gave Mimi and I a very extra special bonding time.  I also was able to just sit and relax, something I knew would be important to my healing body.  Last time I was in essense forced to get back to my life and cleaning horse paddocks on day 2 after delivery.  It tore my body apart, and I refused to do it this time.  Just sitting and relaxing was incredible, and my body healed SO quickly.

I am still pumping for Loraine – it’s exhausting, but well worth it.  The plan is to pump until December.  I received an email tonight from her parents saying they only had one days worth of milk left, so we’re getting together tomorrow.  I can’t wait!  I miss holding her close and just cuddling her.  I love every moment I am able to do so now 🙂  I take in everything I can…. what she feels like, smells like, looks like, her hair, eyes, how much she’s changed since the last time I saw her…. everything are memories I’ll cherish forever 🙂


Mimi started Kindergarten this year!  I can’t believe it’s that time already.  She is beyond estatic and loving every moment of it.  She lost her first tooth two weeks ago also.  Wow, all these changes and stepping stones 😀  When I was told she lost her first tooth that morning, I just beamed while also thinking back to when I was told she sprouted her first tooth.  Time flies too quickly 🙂


Alyssa is absolutely LOVING school this year.  So far she’s been maraculous at staying up on her homework every night.  I’m so proud of her 🙂  Her reading has gotten a lot better, as well as her speach.  I look at her and she just takes my breath away.  She’s so beautiful, and has such an incredible spirit.  She’s almost 9yo…. just yesterday she was a baby!


Jonah’s doing great in his school (homeschool – WAVA) this year.  It finally became aparent that he’s allergic to sugar.  Know how easy it is to only feed a child who’s addicted to what he’s allergic to, something when the SAD (standard american diet) is loaded with sugar and high fructose corn syrup???


Katie is doing great.  I’m working at getting her into a french immersion school.  If she can’t get in this year, then she should be able to next year.  I either plan on homeschooling her, or finding a great private school (such as this one) that challenge her and has strong academic expectations.  I really like this school.


Cassidy…. a child who still takes makes me cry and smile at the same time.  I love that little girl tramendously, and is such a dream come true for so many.  I still receive loads of pictures, and am thankful for each and every one of them.  She looks so much like Katie too, it’s great 🙂  Her mom is so much like a sister to me – I’m so thankful for everything surrounding Cassidy and her existance.  We do face one big challenge right now that rips at my heart.  Her mom is fighting a rare type of blood cancer.  She’s on her way to England mid-october for three weeks.  I pray this helps.  I can’t imagine this world without her – myself without her, Cassidy without her mom, not to mention her husband and family.  I still find myself crying about it and the unfairness, but do ok usually.  It’s nice that Samantha and I can just joke about it, while we both clearly understand the reality of what is being faced and what can come in the end 🙁  I’m afraid.


The drill team is ROCKING!!!  Spirit is doing great.  Everything is just wonderful 🙂


Ok – only one slight challenge.  I hate my weight – with a passion.  I know I recently delivered a child, and know that my body hangs onto fat like there’s no tomorrow when I’m pumping, but I still don’t like it! It’s ok though.

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