
I am sooooo thankful that what I have is NOT PUPPPS!!! Talk about a sigh of relief. The blood tests came back well also, showing that my liver, kidney, and gall bladder function were great. This was one of the most worrisome areas for a few reasons. If my liver wasn’t working right, the chances of pre-eclampsia were quite increased, along with all the additional monitoring and most likely an induction that I would need. In addition to the rash, I haven’t been able to really eat anything processed or high fat, which also points to a liver issue. So, for the testing to come back normal, is wonderful. I had a list of other testing also, just to be sure the rash wasn’t from something else, and that came back normal also.

The health of this baby is extremely important to me. With that though, I have one more little one I look very forward to bringing here, and I worry about something happening and being told by a doctor, that this pregnancy should be my last. It would break my heart. The baby is Cassidy’s sibling, and for so many reasons that child is very important to me. We’ll see what the future brings though. If for any reason this child is my last, then I am very thankful for the children I was able to give life to. They are pretty precious to me 🙂

So, what was the issue with the nasty itchy rash?? Most likely, as we can see so far, an allergic reaction to the iron suppliment I was taking. I stopped taking it on Thursday, and the rash is much better. I do still have bumps, and itches, but nothing near what it was before. Hopefully this really was the reason, so we’re not left wondering any longer.

Onto other things – The kids and I were a part of a fundraising event for http://www.csrdt.org yesterday. I love this organization so much, and am very proud of them. With the pregnancy, I’m not able to partisipate as heavily as I would like (rider, trainer) and have in the past, but I am able to act as photographer which I love also. I’m also able to be a part of fundraising, and help to bring in money that keeps the organization growing. Everyone who was there today was amazing today, although I think we all were dragging our feet at the end though. The one who impressed me the most though was my 3yo daughter, Katie. From the beginning until the end, that girl was washing each car with her own sponge, and drying with a little towel. Her greatest delight, and what she kept mentioning, was the horses that she was helping. She was amazing. My 8yo also did a remarkable job, and stuck at it the whole time, while taking periods of time to play on the side. She too really did a great job, I could have hugged her!! My 11yo son, did remarkable for the first 2 1/2hrs, and then needed to go lay down for a nap. He slept until the end, 3hrs later, which was just fine.

I sure love my children, and the passion and effort that they put towards the things that they do. They’re amazing children 🙂

Choices of food…..

Here is a whole subject in itself in our house. For years I’ve struggled with the frustrating behavior of my son, while also seeing all the potential he held as well as how hard he tried. I also saw how frustrated he became in himself. After all these years, I finally figured out what the issue was….. sugar. He is HIGHLY HIGHLY sensitive to sugar and simple carbs. Now really, open your cupboards as well as your fridge, and take a look at what’s in there. WHAT POSSIBLY does not have sugar in it??? Near everything in the american diet has added sugar in some sort of form. Fake sugar also effected him.

I also started to notice, more so since last week, the effect it had on my daughters also. My 8yo would become more emotional and lashing out, and my 3yo’s attitude would really kick in. I would be left beating my head against the wall if we all went out to eat, or I’d give them a treat (sugar) of some sort.

I have been left doing A LOT of studying of the vitamin, mineral, and nutritional content of fruits, vegetables, and nuts. What happens to the enzymes when the food is cooked vs raw. Lots and lots of studying. I started learning about food combinations, and how to "cook" and come up with tasty recipes for "raw foods". Some of the items have needed help, others have been incredibly delicious. Some I thought were great but the kids gave a thumbs down, and vise versa. The kids have been great at tasting and giving suggestions to what could help it taste even better. My son has taken up the enjoyment of making the desserts, and can make an incredible ‘cheese cake’ as well as a ‘pumpkin cake’. Even the neighborhood kids have enjoyed what he’s put together 🙂

We do still have treats occasionally, but we try to make it rare. I’ve noticed a huge difference in all three children, my son most dramatically. I still have more to learn, but it sure feels we’re on the right track for all of us 🙂

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