
This pregnancy is finally kicking my backside.  On Monday I broke out in a terribly itchy rash that spread over my body, leaving me with a difficult time sleeping as well as functioning.  I rarely ever take any "drugs", but found myself down at the local Walgreens this morning deciding which Benadryl package I wanted to buy.  Took two and got sleepy, took a nap and woke up with my nerves on edge.  My nerves remained on edge for the next six hours.  The phone would ring and all the nerve cells in my body felt like they jumped, even down to my toes.  I remember that feeling when I was in the hospital years ago, I wonder if I was on benadryl then?  Regardless, it helps tramendously with the itching, I’LL TAKE IT!!!

It’s suspected to be PUPPPS (look it up online for an explination), but just the same, I’ve requested that my liver enzyme levels be tested ‘just in case’.  If my internal organs are all dandy, then I can accept the PUPPPS diagnosis…. but shoot, that means I’ll have it for the next nine weeks atleast!  Lovely 😛


Whooooa – ok, can’t think.  Guess I’ll finish my post next time.


Edited to add:

I have a love-hate relationship with the benadryl.  I woke up a few times during the night very thankful that I wasn’t itching up a storm, but rather more of a numb tingling sensation.  My fingers weren’t swollen from bumps and pleading to be scratched, nor my hands, arms, neck, back, or tummy.  I didn’t feel like my clothes were like sandpaper/razor blades against me.  I’d fall back asleep partway comfortable, thankful.  This morning when waking up I could feel my body starting to itch again…. now it’s to my ears also.  I grabbed one of my ice packs and wrapped it around the hand that was itching, my arm, and then my shoulder/neck…. ahhhh.  My whole body/nerves about leaped me off the couch when there was a knock at the door… I hate that! but can’t help it either.  I’m trying to hold off on taking any more benadryl at the moment, since I’ll be driving kids to school.  I have a midwife appt at 10am, so should be able to take them at 11am and be ready to pass out for a nap, and not take another dose until the evening.  I can manage it during the day ok.  I’d rather take it as little as possible.  2x a day seems to work pretty well.

PUPPPS effects 1% of pregnant woman, and has no effect on the baby.  It doesn’t go away until after delivery (ugh!!), leaving you until that point doing everything you can to stay comfortable (omfg summer is going to kill me!).  Heat agravates it, so showers are to stay as cool as possible (lovely).

At the same time, this type of rash can also be caused by your liver not working quite right.  I’ve had issues with high fat and processed foods which can also point to my gallbladder.  Both are being tested today, hopefully they come out just fine.  The liver enzymes being off can give a strong warning flag to preclampsia (sp) around the corner.  That better not be the issue!!  I’ve always had such easy and healthy pregnancies, but also know anything can happen.  This baby has atleast six more weeks to bake, so she better hold on – and my body better cooperate! 😛 lol

Other then that, things are good.  I think I’m to the point again to call in the maid.  We’ll see if I actually dial the number before the end of the day 🙂


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