
I have just a little bit of time this morning, and thought I’d use it by sitting myself down and typing up a bit of an update!

I’m almost 27 weeks pregnant with Loraine now, little sister to one VERY VERY excited 5yo girl who I carried here also 🙂  It’s the most amazing thing to give life to these children, complete these families, and forever watch them grow and love them.  Two weekends ago I spent up with Cassidy and her family.  Cassidy is just over 11mo now, my goodness time just FLIES!!!  She’s not walking, talking up a storm, and is the love of the little town.  I was so proud to be able to witness it all.  I’ll be bringing a little sibling here for Cassidy, and then will be finished as a pregnant mommy.  My three families will be complete (my own, Mimi/Loraine’s, Cassidy/future baby’s).  A few days ago I hung up frames above my bed for each of my children – the children I’ve carried, who hold a part of me, and who I’ve given life to.  There are six, I just shake my head and chuckle.  To the right of my bed hang two 8×10 frames waiting to have pictures placed in them of Cassidy and her mom.  I am so proud of those two, and look forward to getting the pictures up on the wall.  I have them chosen, just not printed yet.

Loraine is one very quiet little baby.  She’s been such an easy child to carry, and a complete delight!!  I can’t wait to meet her in person and spend some quiet time with her before she forever joins her family.  Since this time we live so close (25min away), when I drop off pumped milk each week I’ll be able to see and hold her.  I’m excited 🙂

Almost more exciting, is the idea of being completely done with having children (although the thought is odd at the same time), and work hard to regain the body I use to have and get back into the saddle again.  I miss riding horses, very much.

Let’s see, what else…..

I have been busy this last week hand raising a teeny tiny orphaned animal.  There were two, a boy and a girl, but yesterday the girl died 🙁  When you invest so much time, so many sleepless nights, working hard to feed and protect a life, loosing that life hurts even more.  I bawled, and tried so hard to keep her going.  She died in my hands as I was feeding her breakfast.  I had fallen in love with both of them, and they were always with me. Even at night, they were with me.  I refused to leave them alone since the chances of them dying were quite large.  When waking up my daughter I told her, and she too just sobbed.  Her and a friend burried the little one in our back yard.  The little boy is thriving, and has picked up his eating even more.  It’s hard to know and realized reality, that the chances of him surviving and coming off the tiny suringe of milk is small, when you adore them so much.  Regardless, it’s worth each and every near sleepless night, constant every 1.5 – 2hr feedings, and being tied to a little one.  At some point I need to welcome orphaned kittens in again, I enjoyed raising the one I did quite a few years ago.

I found a wonderful training camp for our puppy and my son.  It’s a five week board/train course, that welcomes my son to be a part of the training process also after things have gotten started.  It’s not cheap, but is worth it in the long run.  They have on going camps which will be wonderful for them also, as well as one of the trainers runs a 4-H dog program also, that he can become a part of.

Ok, off to get them all ready to go – – feed the tiny tyke one more time, go feed the horses lunch, and up to a riding meeting to practice the quad.  I’m not riding, but can atleast take pictures (which I just LOVE to do!).  The kids enjoy it since they’re able to run and play also.  The weather here is beautiful right now, it’s finally sunny again!

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