
Wow, how time is moving.  It always seems to do that, and if you close your eyes for too long you’re left wondering where the time went.  The kids are changing so fast, growing each day it seems.  Beyond my own three, who are now 11, 8, and 3 and soon all to gain another year onto their age…. there are also my three surrogate daughters.  My first, at 5yo and so excited to start school this next year, as well as her little sister who I’m not 25 weeks with.  In addition, my princess Cassidy who turns 1yo this next month!

Cassidy – my goodness that child is something else.  As I type this I’m looking at the clock and realizing that I need to get to bed since I have quite the drive ahead of myself tomorrow.  I am up with Cassidy and her family, and loving every moment of it.  It’s precious to be able to watch her grow, but also have some wonderful visiting time with her mom.  And as it still sounds, next year we’ll be trying for a sibling 😀  OMG my excitement is beyond, and maybe in my next entry I’ll explain more about it.

This princess who I’m pregnant with now, is the sweetest child I’ve ever carried.  We had an ultrasound two weeks ago, to see that she is for sure a princess 😀  Mimi is soooooooo excited!!!!

Oops – eyes are sleepy and can’t think.  I started this too late but wanted to put something down.  There’s so much to say, but- – – next time.

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