Day 6

Wow, I can’t believe it’s day 6 already – while at the same time I can’t believe it’s only day 6.  I want to be done already, at the same time I want to keep going.  I have definitely realized that as I think of food, I don’t think of it filling my tummy and nourishing me, but rather what it feels like in my mouth and the taste of it.  This weekend I’ve been thinking how tasty eating at a mexican restaurant would be, or even Subway.  This morning before waking up I was dreaming of eating a butterfinger… yuuuummy!  I definitely don’t mind the drinks, when I’m hungry it fills me up.  If I’m craving something, it takes care of it.  I can feel the ceyanne working, it’s strange.  I am loving this cleanse, but do miss the simple things such as chicken fetachinni, mmmmmm – haha, not that it’s the best for one to eat! LOL

This morning I weight in at 167.5, a loss of two more pounds from the morning before.  I am watching the scale tonight and guessing tomorrow I’ll probably weight around the same or only a pound loss.  The dramatic weight loss happens for a little while and as one gets closer to day 10 it slows down.  I would love for this 2# a day to continue, but I definitely don’t expect it. 

Tomorrow I’m back to working out in the morning.  Not much, it’s just walking, but it’s something.  I miss my morning walks!  Thankfully I have someone to do it with, otherwise I don’t think I’d be strong enough to drag my half asleep backside out of bed at 5:15am to get the kids ready and into the jogger, and ready to go by 5:45am. *yawn*  I love the morning air though 🙂

Tonight, workout friend and I took pictures of eachother.  She’s lost 6lbs since the beginning of the month.  She didn’t realize the difference until she looked at the pictures.  Talk about one very excited lady! LOL  It was neat to see the difference in mine also.  We did though agree that next time we are wearing bathing suits so hopefully we can see the difference better.  At some point I might post the pictures…



I was in such a spunky mood today.  I was lost Friday night without the kids, same with Saturday, but today I soaked in the bath without worrying about kids outside the door, cleaned the house in between "flop on couch and check email" – – it was definitely a very nice day today.



I don’t think I’ve talked much about Spirit in a long time.  Spirit is a blind 2yo morgan filly that was kept from heading to slaughter as a 6mo.  I created quite a fiasco pushing for her purchase, although I will always be thankful I did.  It is nearing the time when I’ll be able to adopt her from the rescue organization, I cannot wait!!!  My son absolutely loves her, we all are very excited to have her officially a part of our family.  Today I went out and spent time with her…. I am so in love with that girl, it’s crazy.  I’m excited!!! 😀



 On Monday’s I watch this adorable little 3mo baby boy named Andrew.  He is precious!  I am reminded how little I get done when I have a tiny one, while also how much I absolutely adore the babies.  He’s a lot of fun, and so cuddly.  The kids adore him too.


Ok, I think that is a half run down of things – time to finish up here and hopefully get to bed.  The crack of dawn comes early 🙂

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