Fun little things in life

Life is interesting, and for the most part quite amazing. How things happen can be bewildering, and trying to let yourself just go with the flow can often be a challenge.

This is going to be short most likely, and probably a little jumpy with thoughts, I have an 18mo between my two typing hands, my 7yo laying on the floor at my feet talking about things she wants to do today, and my near 3yo eating cheerios. I’m waiting for two little boys to show up. Me – I’m still in these comfy pajama bottoms and hang out t-shirt, both of which I’ll most likely still be in come the end of the day. They’re comfortable! The only thing I’d be in otherwise would be a pair of shorts, but don’t have a pair (yet) that fit me.

I am starting a diet on Saturday. I’m dieting with a friend, which is wonderful and encouraging. She chose her diet plan as well as exercise plan, and I chose mine. It’s wonderful to have someone to hold you accountable, to diet with, to weigh in with, and to jump for joy for the other. My diet plan is just to eat more often during the day, and more complete wholesome foots. I’d like to eat more ‘fresh – live’ foods, and drink more water. Both of which I am not good at, but both I feel are very important. In addition I am moving my backside more, although the extent I can do at this time because I have my children, is to walk. I was up at 6am and heading outside to do just that this morning (with diet buddy) with kids strapped into the jogger and puppy in tow. Although I haven’t officially started yet, I have been working towards my daily goals this last week. I have gone from 181.5 to 177.5. Diet buddy has lost 6lbs herself this last week. Last night we took front/back/side shots of ourselves and will be doing that weekly also. My goal is to be 135lbs, my ideal weight. I have 42lbs to go. I can make it! I realize I just had a little munchkin six weeks ago, but I did go into that pregnancy around 160lbs+.

I met up with my first surro-daughter and her dad (and brother) this last Monday. The kids had so much fun together, and I was just in awe at how much that little girl has grown. She is a near 5yo vivatious child, just brilliant! She would like a sibling, so we were talking about all the lagistics. Her dad went through chemo four years ago, so it may be that we’ll have to work with a clinic. We’ll see.

This possible man person I mentioned in the last entry – what a wonderful individual. He has me in amazement, and so turned on. He’s extremely respectful, and there’s just-something-about-him. Our time together has been well spent, one time with the kids still up and another after they went to bed… just watching movies, but talking and spending time together. Nothing beyond that, but the more respectful he continues to be like that, the more I am just left drooling and desiring. I do feel very cautious, but at the same time this is the first person I’ve really dated since two years ago.

I am glad to have finally hit this period of time in my life (athough I’m sure there will be many more in this regards). For over the last year there are two people I had a very difficult time getting along with. One, told me never to speak with her again – although I doubt our friendship will ever be back to where it was before (and honestly for various reasons I don’t ever want to me), it has been relieving to talk and let the past go. I will always care about her and hope things go well in her life. This other person, I need to work with to help run this organization. For this last year after we fought so bitterly and I felt left to just throw up my hands at her, "F this all", and let her run however she’d like with it, I have been left feeling very bitter and angry towards anything that has to do with her. At the same time though, sad. I wanted to be able to work as a team, but felt unable to. I have seen her trying very hard in the way she comminicates with others and she’s done a great job. For some reason now, I don’t really care about the past. If my thoughts and suggestions aren’t welcomed, I’m not going to fight it. We definitely think on the far opposite sides of things, but I know there is a way we both can work together even though we feel so, and use our opposite ways of thinking for the benifit. We’ll see, we met for breakfast yesterday…. it has been a long time since we’ve actually just met to talk and laugh…. to just get along. I have hope with this all, and it’s a nice thing 🙂

Ok, well it actually took four hours to write this post, in between being up and down, back and forth, and settling arguements, fixing meals, and all the other fun things that come with taking care of kids.

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