
Goodness, these last two weeks have been crazy! 

I spent a week packing, which was not as easy of a feat.  I LOVED the fact I was able to go through EVERYTHING – I threw a lot away, but it was quite the challenge to pack during the day with a 2.5yo and 16mo since they were always underfoot and/or pulling out what I was trying to put into the boxes.  Evening hours brought evening activities of dinner/bath/bed for the kids, leaving about an hour or two to actually be active with packing. 

I never, ever, want to move again as a single mother.

Oh the good side, I LOOOVE my new apartment!!  The kids are so much happier here.  The first morning here and Jonah had a friend show up asking if he could walk to school with him.  Later that day a little tyke knocked on my back sliding door asking if he could borrow our slide, and then knocked again asking if Katherine could come play.  The kids are all able to go out and play.  Today all three of them have spent the last two hours outside the backdoor on the grass, the island/fire zone 20ft away, and the playground right outside the backdoor basically.  I love it here.  Being on the bottom floor allows them to have heavier feet in the house without me getting upset at them (downstairs neighbors).

Things could be more perfect. 

Six more days and I can deliver at home.  I definitely feel as though I’m counting down the days.  I wont care about going into labor after I hit that 37 week mark, although my preference would be May 14th on.  My due date is May 25th.

I have a surrogate daughter who’s 4 1/2yo… her parents asked me if I’d like to have a sibling for her.  HECK YES!!  What an amazing thought – I have said I wont be ready to start until next March/April though.  Their family will then be complete, mine is complete, this baby’s family is complete….. and I will then be hanging my child-bearing years hat up.  I am looking forward to that with eagerness now 🙂

…. raise my children, love and adore upon my surro-munchkins, and look forward to the next stage of my life, COLLEGE!!!  I absolute can’t wait for that time to come 😀


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