
I don’t have long to write, but figured I’d put something down since it’s been a while.

I’m moving Sunday – to another apartment within the same complex, but moving none-the-less.  Know how fun it is to move?  Now, add attempting to sort, throw away, pack, clean…. with three children.  I get nothing done during the day with cleaning and packing since I have two little ones, and have to wait until the kids are in bed at night to get anything done.  Quiet time starts at 10pm.  Thankfully, last night, our downstairs neighbor was gone.  I took the chance and stayed up until 3:30am cleaning out my sons room, steamcleaning, and organizing items.  His room has become the "hold" room.

I need boxes.

As much as I hate moving, I can’t wait to be on the bottom floor.  It’s a slightly larger apt, that’ll be nice also.  Moving with "nesting", creates a wonderful sinario – very little is desired to be kept, lol. 

The pregnancy is going very well.  Almost 35 weeks!  My only goal is the 37 weeks mark, that’ll place me at the time frame where I can deliver at home.  I absolutely in no way want to enter through those hospital doors.  My last day working is May 11th, Cassidy’s (the baby) mom has a wedding to be at on the 12th, so anytime after that I figure Cassidy is more then welcome to make her appearance 😀

I’m still loving the pregnancy, and shaking my head as I say so now since I also want to curl up and whine… while at the same time love this last stretch.  It takes all my effort to walk, my legs ache, my backside hurts from the pressure, my whole body just wants to drop.  But I keep going, and smile 😛  We’re so close!!

The kids raved and praised me for dinner tonight.  I can do this cooking stuff it seems.  I was going to cook cheese tortilla’s tonight but instead made something different.  Pasta, hamburger, beans, cream of mushroom soup, and melted cheese… with handmade tortilla’s.  My son was in heaven, and said it was the best dinner he’s tasted yet from me.  They also had peaches.

I’m enjoying cooking, and love just doing the whole ‘splash of this, dash of that’ as I cook.  I still haven’t picked up measuring cups.

I found a french oven, and a cast iron pot (finally!) as well as a few different cast iron pans.  Now to find a good deal on a flour mill.

Ok, brain is going…..

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