
As I start this entry I’m sitting in the van with two sleeping kids.  You know, a beautiful sight is when little ones are showing physical adoration of eachother by a gentle hug or kiss, sharing toys, or of the sorts…. or sleeping.  Right now I am absolutely loving this moment, especially since these two have hit the "That’s my lap!" (mine), or wanting absolutely anything the other has.  Katherine, my 2yo, has had to work hard on how to ask for something back nicely and being patient if it’s not returned, and Amandine, 15mo childcare child, how to also respect that something belongs to another person and that my lap is not always hers.  That touching Katherine with her foot just irritates her. 

These two are just the sweetest though, I love them to pieces 😀  They sqwabble like siblings, while it’s so obvious that they adore eachother also 🙂

So there’s a new direction my life has begun heading… at some point I will explain it.  With this new addition, and everything else the kids desire, it’s faced me directly over things that have to be taken care of first such as debt.  I don’t have much, but I do have a bit.  To get a better control over our finances, such as eating out a few times a week and those quick yummies through McDonalds just aren’t ok.  Starbucks?  No more. (I know, passing out already).  I was doing well for quite a while, and then ever so easily slipped back into enjoying the money in my account, and getting whatever the kids needed and wanted.  Not the greatest way to be!

I am learning how to penny pinch at home, and how to cook YUMMY *droolable* meals with just the basic ingredients which one often has in their kitchen anyway.  Where to cut expenses at the grocery store, how to cook more cost effectively.  These last two dinners have been a HUGE hit with the kids – where they leave the table grinning carrying their full tummies, "That was soooo good mom!!" *mmwwwa*, and against their begging, I AM NOT cooking it yet again tonight, haha.  I am thinking of making lazania (however that word is spelled) tonight.  I also found some excellent recipes for homebaked bread that actually appear to be cheaper to make them the cheapest bread at the store. 

My closet on the porch is going to be cleared out in these next few days and turned into a pantry.  I’m going to track down different outlet stores that cater to restaurants that will also sell to the public. 

Regardless of what the future brings with this little boy, how far into the future – if at all, it was a pretty strong kick in the pants to get control over a certain area of our life that needed to be pinched down so other areas could be taken care of and a stronger savings to occur.

Busy life, but all is great.  Kids are wonderful as usual, all growing so quickly!!




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