Little Update

Wow, it’s been quite a while since I visited this place!  I miss writing, but have found myself so wrapped up in everything else going on.  The kids are growing fast, things are moving along.

I’ll be 28 weeks along in this pregnancy this coming Friday.  Unbelievable.  Time has gone by SO fast!  This has to be the best pregnancy out of the five.  A sweet little quiet girl, although she sends the kids into giggles when she does get to battling around in there 🙂  My tummy has never received so many hugs and kisses from little ones before – it’s precious!  Her name is Cassidy, although I haven’t heard yet what her middle name is going to be – something handed to her moms best friend to choose.  Cassidy’s parents are coming down again this Saturday to visit and for the 4D ultrasound.  I think we’re all still in shock this is even reality!  Her mom and I have joked that she’ll be gratuating and we’ll still be standing with our jaws dropped.  LOL 

My first surro-daughter is doing GREAT!  4yo and quite the active one for her parents.  We’re getting together tomorrow for dinner.  The kids are all excited, me too!

My van has been out of commission for quite a while now, thankfully I live in an area where I can still get things done – sort of.  I have missed being able to take the kids to the park, visit a friend at her office, go to lunch, etc.  Most of all though, being self sufficiant.  I look forward to having this back, as well as taking the little ones to story/play/music time at the local library.  I have readded figures a few times, and I am pretty sure I have enough saved now – I think – …. I take it into the shop TODAY!!!  Not only am I excited, but so is the friend who’s driven my backside around to midwife appointments, vet appointments, and to pick horse supplies up.  She too is following me down to drop it off and bringing me home.  We’re both dancing for joy, haha.

The kids are doing wonderful.  My 10yo son sure is growing and maturing.  I’ve given him his own phone which he loves, but has also respected the rules I’ve set forth with it.  He is trying really hard to be kind in the way he talks to his sisters, even when he’s frustrated, apologising when he’s talked rudely to them and starts over.  He really wants nothing more then to please.  My 7yo daughter – I am amazed at how quickly she’s changing.  She still has her melt downs, especially after school, but she too is growing up.  And my 2yo princess – a little girl I’m so thankful ðŸ™‚  These three kids leave me smiling (when I’m not pulling my hair out) and thankful for each day 🙂

One of the things my son has asked repeatedly for is "family dinner".  He’s on the right track with his thinking, but definitely not something I’ve done well with at all.  Well, as I’ve seen a serious need for even a tighter schedule then I’ve ended up with, that’s just what we did last night.  He rode his bike over to the store after school and picked up dinner supplies while I started dinner.  As soon as the baby was picked up by her mom, I was setting the table and setting up dinner.  The kids were stuffed.  We had a great time talking about all that’s happening in school, but also about frustrations they feel at home, with eachother, as well as letting them know the schedule I am starting with them.

Before we ate dinner, I introduced them to "prayer" – ya, I know, a little late in the game.  Both older kids started giggling.  "Mom, I don’t believe in all that stuff" my son said – that’s ok!  I have always encouraged my children to believe what they feel is right, not what others tell them is.  My daughter started talking about what she knew about God, and that she believed in him – that’s ok too!  What it was a time for though, is to just give thanks.  For the food before us, for a good friend, for something wonderful that happened, for whatever you would like.  My 7yo went first, and I peeked through a cracked eye and looked at my three children in front of me and smiled.  This was my heaven 🙂  Tomorrow is my 10yo’s turn, if he would like.

After dinner they had 30min left to watch a video in the room (on my sons computer) before it was bed time.  My son cleared off the table, put everything away, and kissed me saying, "Thank you mom, I love you" – awww!!  I have the best kids.  I continue to try and pull things more together in our family, in time I’ll get it.

30 more minutes and I start waking the kids up.  Trying for a breakfast where it too is a sit down together and eat, rather then a rush – shove food down throat and out the door.  We’ll see how this goes 🙂


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