
Oh goodness, what an interesting last few days!  It’s 1:30am, I am yaaaaaawing, so this entry will be brief – hopefully.

I invited the girls dad to come with us for Thanksgiving, the kids were thrilled that he accepted.  I dropped the off for a day he had asked for, and asked if they could stay the night.  The reason?  To clean the carpets!  It is not easy to get the carpets cleaned by 10pm and keep six little feet off of the carpet when it’s been just finished.  I am SO thankful – the hallway, dining room and living room were all scrubbed.  The bathroom and laundry area almost both completed, as well as some switching of things around.

I had family from out of town visiting today – it’s been so wonderful.  They leave tomorrow, but whatever time they were able to give has been great!

My mind is dead, off to bed…

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