Safeway Delivery and Update

I met with JC for lunch today – what a wonderful treat!!  Enjoyed the most delicious steak strips that met my craving quite well, mmmmmm!!  We had a great conversation about whatnot stuff.  Goodness I miss her and all the time we use to spend together, life sure can change.  Our kids are growing up so fast too!  She was next to my side when Katherine was born (amazing doula!) and I’m quite excited to have her with me when this surrogate baby is born too.  Although I swore adimently that I wouldn’t be doing another surrogacy, especially TS for any other couple, she commented occasionally that she thought I would and possibly for this couple (mentioned a good two+ years ago)…. I have to laugh at how some things transpire, and how sometimes our closest friends can see what’s going to happen far clearer then we can.

Chipping away continues at my bills.  I am enjoying this!  It allows for very little extra spending, but each time a payment is made it leaves me smiling, and it’s actually getting addicting!  Good – paying off bills can be addicting – I don’t mind that addiction at all, along with the firmness that no further debt will be aquired! 😛

Two years and counting down for no debt, I can make it *set jaw* – – – then to look over my credit reports and work on building my credit score.  It’ll be a dream come true when I actually end up purchasing my own house one day, 3 to 5 years from now.  I really would like the morgage to be my ONLY debt, and for it to be paid off within 10 years.

Can you imagine….. to have no debt, completely own your own home free and clear, to own your own car, your own everything, and owe no one anything?

On top of that, I want to start chipping away at college classes when Katherine enters 1st grade in four years, through grants NOT loans – or to pay for it myself.  When Katherine, my last child is out on her own in 16 years (or atleast doesn’t need me home as much), I am looking foward with excitement at diving into nursing school.  Another dream come true 😀  Well, except the beyond that…. to work in the ER, in surgery.

I can see everything I want in such clear sight.  It’ll take quite a bit of time to reach it, but I absolutely will 😀  Only one part of my dream is missing…. I can see it, but not sure if it’ll happen, and to think of manifesting wouldn’t be right, so I only wish for happiness for this person instead.  If this person is truely happy, my dream on that end will be (mostly :P) complete too.

*delightful sigh* 🙂

Tonight the mother of *this* baby and I were talking, giggling like kids as we always do, and dreaming.  We both are still jaw dropped that he’s actually coming!  What a dream come true (for them, as well as for me too)!  I don’t think I’ll ever get over being so stunned at how incredibly perfect and thankful I am for all of this 🙂  For those of you who have the baby’s diary, I pour all of my thoughts and love into that diary so I wont repeat here.  I radiate thankfulness for being able to grant such a dream to a very very special friend.  The happiness I feel for this pregnancy, for my family, for their family, brings me to tears while smiling.  🙂

Enough gushing…..


One of the things I hate the most is having to drag 4-5 kids in with me when I attempt to go shopping.  It does NOT make the trip fun at all.  Load all the kids up, head to the store, unload, start shopping, deal with the "I have to go to the bathroom" and "Can I get this??  PLEASE??", make it to the checkout stand, load all kids AND groceries back up, head back home, unload kids and hand the oldest ones bags to carry up and try to get the rest of the little ones plus the groceries back upstairs.


I could handle one, even two, but three?  Four?  FIVE??

In the end our cubboards are not always stacked to the brim.  Jonah, being almost 10 and VERY independant loves to head in with the shopping list and prides himself in being able to find the best prices for the items needed (good boy!) while I enjoy sitting in the van with the kids waiting for him to come back out.  Tonight he came out dancing at how many items he got for the little amount he spent.  He’s such a cutie – he really wanted to cook a special dinner himself, so I gave him the cash needed so he could get the items he wanted.

Anyway!!  I come home, get the kids set up for bed and checked out  I resorted to paying some SMALL FEE (approx $10) for some worker to collect the items I needed, bag them up, and DELIVER THEM TO MY DOOR!  This feels like heaven already!  I am sure I’ll be worshiping the safeway delivery man very quickly, LOL.

I also like the idea of online shopping, as I went through the items I noticed I could take my time, look for the best deals/prices, look over my list before checkout, and it saves impulse buying.  I LIKE THIS!  ((Have I mentioned that the benifits include NOT having to haul the kids into the store???  I would pay double the fee if needed)).  I was decently pleased with what I was able to get in the end.  Of course any extra in these next (two weeks?) can be picked up at the grocery store here.

Not to bad, eh? 

Oh yes, and that’s *my* chocolate milk, damnit 😛

~~~~~ I gave up posting the list – it was 57 items for $162, and the deals on all of it ~~~~~  My way of shopping in large amounts from now on, with little needed purchase in person.


I bought this tonight online for the kids, to keep their backpacks and jackets neat and in one organized spot, along with their shoes.  I’m going to be putting an additional hook on each side, one for my jacket and purse, and the other for a diaper bag for the baby I care for.  I’m pretty thrilled!!  I really wanted to have a set of four, but that’ll have to wait.  In the meantime I’m VERY happy for this to be coming.  It wasn’t too bad cost wise either!


Instead of going up tomorrow to see my two horses who are now owned by a wonderful family, I’m going to spend the day cleaning the house and go up Sunday instead.  I’ll have four kids with me at that time, but shouldn’t be a problem – I’m use to it 😛

I’m faaaaading….  night to you all!

e a dream come true when I actually end up purchasing my own house one day, 3 to 5 years from now.  I really would like the morgage to be my ONLY debt, and for it to be paid off within 10 years.

Can you imagine….. to have no debt, completely own your own home free and clear, to own your own car, your own everything, and owe no one anything?

On top of that, I want to start chipping away at college classes when Katherine enters 1st grade in four years, through grants NOT loans – or to pay for it myself.  When Katherine, my last child is out on her own in 16 years (or atleast doesn’t need me home as much), I am looking foward with excitement at diving into nursing school.  Another dream come true 😀  Well, except the beyond that…. to work in the ER, in surgery.

I can see everything I want in such clear sight.  It’ll take quite a bit of time to reach it, but I absolutely will 😀  Only one part of my dream is missing…. I can see it, but not sure if it’ll happen, and to think of manifesting wouldn’t be right, so I only wish for happiness for this person instead.  If this person is truely happy, my dream on that end will be (mostly :P) complete too.

*delightful sigh* 🙂

Tonight the mother of *this* baby and I were talking, giggling like kids as we always do, and dreaming.  We both are still jaw dropped that he’s actually coming!  What a dream come true (for them, as well as for me too)!  I don’t think I’ll ever get over being so stunned at how incredibly perfect and thankful I am for all of this 🙂  For those of you who have the baby’s diary, I pour all of my thoughts and love into that diary so I wont repeat here.  I radiate thankfulness for being able to grant such a dream to a very very special friend.  The happiness I feel for this pregnancy, for my family, for their family, brings me to tears while smiling.  🙂

Enough gushing…..


One of the things I hate the most is having to drag 4-5 kids in with me when I attempt to go shopping.  It does NOT make the trip fun at all.  Load all the kids up, head to the store, unload, start shopping, deal with the "I have to go to the bathroom" and "Can I get this??  PLEASE??", make it to the checkout stand, load all kids AND groceries back up, head back home, unload kids and hand the oldest ones bags to carry up and try to get the rest of the little ones plus the groceries back upstairs.


I could handle one, even two, but three?  Four?  FIVE??  That’s where it gets a bit exhausting.

In the end our cubboards are not always stacked to the brim.  Jonah, being almost 10 and VERY independant loves to head in with the shopping list and prides himself in being able to find the best prices for the items needed (good boy!) while I enjoy sitting in the van with the kids waiting for him to come back out.  Tonight he came out dancing at how many items he got for the little amount he spent.  He’s such a cutie – he really wanted to cook a special dinner himself, so I gave him the cash needed so he could get the items he wanted.

Anyway!!  I come home, get the kids set up for bed and checked out  I resorted to paying some SMALL FEE (approx $10) for some worker to collect the items I needed, bag them up, and DELIVER THEM TO MY DOOR!  This feels like heaven already!  I am sure I’ll be worshiping the safeway delivery man very quickly, LOL.

I also like the idea of online shopping, as I went through the items I noticed I could take my time, look for the best deals/prices, look over my list before checkout, and it saves impulse buying.  I LIKE THIS!  ((Have I mentioned that the benifits include NOT having to haul the kids into the store???  I would pay double the fee if needed)).  I was decently pleased with what I was able to get in the end.  Of course any extra in these next (two weeks?) can be picked up at the grocery store here.

Not to bad, eh? 

Oh yes, and that’s *my* chocolate milk, damnit 😛

~~~~~ I gave up posting the list – it was 57 items for $162, and the deals on all of it ~~~~~  My way of shopping in large amounts from now on, with little needed purchase in person.


I bought this tonight online for the kids, to keep their backpacks and jackets neat and in one organized spot, along with their shoes.  I’m going to be putting an additional hook on each side, one for my jacket and purse, and the other for a diaper bag for the baby I care for.  I’m pretty thrilled!!  I really wanted to have a set of four, but that’ll have to wait.  In the meantime I’m VERY happy for this to be coming.  It wasn’t too bad cost wise either!


Instead of going up tomorrow to see my two horses who are now owned by a wonderful family, I’m going to spend the day cleaning the house and go up Sunday instead.  I’ll have four kids with me at that time, but shouldn’t be a problem – I’m use to it 😛

I’m faaaaading….  night to you all!

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