Late Night

Like that’s any surprise! LOL  My reason this time?  Tomorrow is my daughters birthday, and I want to have the cupcakes ready for her when she goes to school.  I ran into a problem though, after the first batch I realized I didn’t have enough oil for the second.  I’ll have to borrow some from next door in the morning to finish.  She is SO excited, I hope she’ll be going to school in the morning.  Her school turned around and sent her back this morning, with a 99.8 temperature.  So far she’s staying away from what Jonah had, but it’s teasing her.

Wow, seven years old.  I was completely dying at this point in time, waiting for her to make her appearance.  With her dad next to my side, her near 3yo brother at the foot of the bed ready, her 9yo uncle watching on, grandmother, friend, and a few other people.  I remember so much of her delivery, what a special time.

Alyssa’s dad is taking her out tomorrow night – and then having a little party or something for her on Saturday.  I haven’t mentioned either times to her, just in case things change, but if it happens she should have a lot of fun 🙂

Almost 9 weeks pregnant.  The mom teased me about not having taken photos in almost three weeks, and if I’d have time to send her one.  I gawked when I saw the photos.  I’m growing just a bit on the fast side!  I measured 11 1/2cm at my appointment this last Saturday, at 8w1d.  I’m opting for an ultrasound – the parents agree 😛 LOL  I am barely able to squeeze that last bit if life at this time, out of my jeans.  Since they’re a bit stretchy, they’re working.  I’m going to have to break here shortly and just buy a couple pairs of maternity pants.


Brrrrr…. I just ran outside to make sure my doors were locked.  We had a car breakin here last night, a car that was right next to my van.  It’s so disappointing that we can’t just trust, leaving our car and house doors unlocked.  Or even locked, and not be concerned about the window being busted out, all to go after something in particular.  Sad that some can’t respect other peoples property.

I am almost always leaving my front door locked when I’m home now.  I do need to remember to lock it when I leave.

The bird is doing great!  We did have an issue today with him.  It certainly caused my children to think about their behavior to eachother and how it in turn effects the bird and his own behavior.  This is a good thing.  He just had his cage cleaned tonight and is heading off to bed.  Jonah just came out laughing about how he just played in his water 🙂

Often I am certain that when something disappears, such as car keys, it’s for a reason.  Is it a gardian angel protecting you?  Or?

When Jonah was a baby, I had an appointment to be at.  I went to grab the keys out of the diaper bag and they were gone.  My mom was with me, and we searched the house, emptying out that diaper bag four different times, carefully placing each item back in – I always put them in their, they HAD to be in there!  But nothing.  After an hour or so, where should they turn up but in the diaper bag.  I moved a piece of paper from the top, and there they laid.

Today I loaded all the kids up to get over to Rite Aid to pick up a camera battery for my sons camera and a few other items, before dropping Alyssa off at school.  With the three kids in front of me, I held Katherine’s rain jacket with the camera, film, battery that needed to be returned, and my keys in one hand, and the baby carrier in the other.  I arrived at the van, placed the coat with the items down on the floor board, and went to buckle the baby in.  Got the kids loaded and bucked, and went to grab my keys.  They were gone.

I searched the whole van.  Nothing.  It got to the point I just needed to take everyone back inside.  With the baby in my arms I headed back down.  I cleaned it out, carrying clothing items that needed to be washed up to the house, and garbage to the dumpster.  I felt in between the seats, looked under the seats, to the side of the seats, cup holders…. nothing.  I was hanging in the van reaching for something under the seat and heard a *clink*.  I looked back, and the *clink* was the keys falling to the ground.  Sheesh.  When these things happen, which is rarely but they occasionally do happen, I wonder if maybe I was being protected from driving because of an accident that would happen at that time.  Things disappear and then reappear.

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