
Today has most definitely taken it’s tole on me.  I am so exhausted – beyond exhausted.  My eyes are twirling.  Last night I was up extremely late getting business items as done as possible, up this morning and on the go.  Getting kids up, fed, off to school, being ready for Amandine to be dropped off, meeting the horse shoer at 10am and timing the two young ones naps so they would sleep through the trimmings (I succeeded), home, cleaning, more work in between playing with the kids and feeding snacks, my own kids home, more cleaning, horse chores, dinner…. and settling arguements between the kids.

This afternoon I had reached my ending point it seemed.  I delt with someone I just cannot figure out (long drawn out head banging story), and then when the two youngest started crying I lost it too.  Nice good cry, while kissing them and fixing what the problem was.  I had hoped I could have them both down for a nap so I could take a nap too, but no such luck.  As soon as the 9mo fell asleep my two oldest arrived home from school.

Following dinner tonight, Jonah had gone from not feeling to hot today, to being quite sick.  Many of the symptoms he showed had me concered, but after a few calls I am still waiting here at home.  He’s got a nice fever.  Poor guy.  Looks like he’ll most likely be home from school tomorrow, against his wishes it seems.  He’s mumbling, begging to go to school.  Nice change from last year where I was literally hauling him out the door to GO to school.  He adores his teacher.

All three kids are asleep now, and I’m hanging by my son making sure his breathing and everything else are find.  He’s doing well, I may drift off here shortly.

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