
There is a little girl I watched for a few hours six months ago, who is the same age as Katherine, my daughter.  Aubrey never really warmed up, but considered it towards the end when her parents picked her up.  Her dad stopped by my house night before last and asked if there was any way his daughter could come for a period of time the next morning.  Of course!  He showed up this morning and asked if she could stay for the day.  Tonight he asked what my weekly rates are, that she might need to start coming on a regular basis. 

What’s sad is the cost of childcare, and unfortunately it’s the rate.  I am low, at $7hr.  I have one little girl in my care full time already and am looking for another, but not putting a huge amount of effort into it yet.  I want the perfect one.  Parents who are relaxed, who trust me.  Children who fit into our family well.  I adore Aubrey, she’s a great little girl.  She’s quiet and withdrawn in a way, she’s incredibly sensitive.  At the same time though, she can just shine in her beauty and energy, which I saw as she and Alyssa danced across the house today.  I offered to her dad that if they’re interested in her coming weekly, to let me know what was affordable.  I know this completely opens the door up to a huge difference if figures, but it’s ok.  It may not be as much money in my pocket, but it’s a wonderful child who I know I’d make a difference to.  Someone she can curl up with for the day.

Today I sat feeding Amandine, who’s 9mo, and watched as two little girls, Aubrey and Katherine, go giggling past me holding hands.  Aubrey stops to take my hand for a moment of holding while she lays her head against me, and is off again.  Alyssa finally arrived home from school, and she joined in the play.  I took a look at myself and how busy I was, and looked at the scene I sat in – surrounded by children, and smiled to myself.  I LOVE being a mom, and love caring for kids.

… Then Amandine spit up and I had to change her clothes, and Aubrey needed a diaper change.  Katherine asked for some water, and Alyssa began throwing a fit so was asked to sit on the couch for a while where she ended up falling asleep.  Amandine began getting fussy and was placed on my back where she fell asleep, while I fed Aubry and Katherine another snack – – – and of course Katherine then needed another diaper change.

I have profusely been grateful these last two days that I bought the baby pack that I did (an Ergo Carrier), as well as the double jogger.  These last two mornings I’ve had a brood to get ready and out the door.  With both older kids dressed and ready, diapers of all three babies changed and coats on all, Amandine was placed on my back, double jogger carried to the bottom of the stairs where Katherine was placed in the front and Aubrey in back.  Off we go!  FIve kids… 9mo, 24mo, 24mo, 6yo, 9yo… and one mom, heading down in one little cluster to the school 😛

And the best thing I love, is Alyssa has not yet been even slightly late for school.  Always on time, always arriving just ahead of the first bells ring.  Jonah starts school on Monday (not earlier), and it will hold the same for him too – – it better 😛

Tonight, against Katherine’s desires, I stripped her down and we headed towards the bathroom.  She wasn’t too keen on the idea, but slightly cooperative.  Alyssa crawled in too, as I finished up with Katherine, and then washed Alyssa’s hair.  She climbed out, got dressed and headed into bed, while I tried to coax Katherine out of the tub.  I pulled the plug and waited.  Surely she’d want to get out after it emptied!!!  Instead she layed on her tummy slidding back and forth and squeeling with delight, LOL  OMG she was SO CUTE!!!!

Well, time to lay this little munchkin down to sleep.  Alyssa is already asleep as well as Jonah.  Yes, Jonah… finally starting to get a handle on that kids sleeping 🙂

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