On to another day

It has been very enjoyable homeschooling Jonah.  He walked with me today down to the school to drop Alyssa off with a check for pictures since today was picture day.  I could see a bit of "missing" in his face as he looked around and said hello to those he knew as he passed by.  I have always left the decision to homeschool vs public school up to him, and he’s always been strong in his reasons for homeschooling.  Today though, I reminded him that he could go back if he wanted to.

We walked down to the office so I could fill some papers out, and he asked if he could talk to the principal.  We all went into the office, and he asked the questions he had.  I expressed to her my concerns and desires for him.  The decision was left up to him.  As we headed out of the office to walk home, I asked him about his thoughts.  He explained them to me, and said he wanted to go ahead and come back (although he was both directions).  We went back into the office and I resigned him back up to start Monday.

He’s excited and nervous.  Curriculum night was tonight, so was able to meet who his new teacher is going to be.  She wasn’t who he hoped and requested, but as she ran over the curriculum with everyone she sounds PERFECT!  I love her already.  Jonah was immediately set back the moment he saw her – she is older, and he said she reminds him of his first grade teacher who he didn’t care for too much.  As she ran through the things they do in class, you could see the excitement in his face.

When he left the room, I talked with his teacher about my concerns and how he was left feeling last year, and how important it is to me that his slipping is caught early so he doesn’t end up in the hole again.  I also talked with her about how his dad is going to want to be in touch with her, and how he certainly loves Jonah and wants what’s best for him, but as I explained how his dad reacts when Jonah isn’t doing well, she said she will be careful.


The decision has been made for him to start tomorrow.  He is presently in the shower getting ready for bed.  The one thing Jonah does not like, is that his computers, hand held games, TV’s, and game cubes are all going up except for the weekends.



Right behind our apartment complex is a Rite Aid.  I have been checking the place out more for rebates that they have for the month and playing with that.  Occasionally they have something that in the end will save me money.  Such as last month I bought an item that was $10 (normally $15) and came with a $10 rebate.  So far for this month I only have $15 coming in the mail when I request my rebate to be sent, but still, how nice! 

The thing that makes this SO easy is the online rebate ability.  Just to sit in front of my computer with that receipt in hand, enter the information, *enter*, and my rebate is there 🙂

Anyway, I was browsing through their online site a bit more tonight, and saw that I can upload the photos I would like to print, and walk over and pick them up.  HOW NICE IS THAT????  I have heart wal-mart does that too, but this is a store right next door to me.  I’m going to have fun with that!!  19 cents a piece 😀



I was over at a friends house a few days ago and saw them burning a candle in their fireplace.  It was so peaceful looking walking up to the door, as well as inside.  My fireplace has sat unused since I moved in…. what a wonderful idea to do with it!  I placed two of my candles into the fireplace, and for the last two nights have enjoyed the quiet flicker of the flames.  It’s so beautiful and relaxing.



I sent my mom a gobload of photos taken a few days ago, so she could see how much the kids had grown, as well as see Katherine’s mound of curls.  She was so excited, and said she has her hair 54 years ago, lol.  She explained how her mom use to comb her hair into ringlets and how to do that.  I’ll have to play with it sometimes 😛

This morning for picture day, Alyssa chose a black dress and I took off my horse necklace for her to wear.  She was so happy that I let her wear my necklace.  It hasn’t been taken off since I bought it almost a year ago.  I split her hair down the middle and pulled both sides back into part pig-tails (is that what their called?).  When we were finished she went to put some socks on, came back and crawled into my lap and just hugged me.  "What a sweetheart" I thought, and wrapped my arms around her and placed my cheek against her head and half rocked with her.  I told her how proud I am of her and how beautiful she is.  What a precious child!

She said pictures went well today, although when I asked how she smiled she showed me her "no teeth" smile.  She is into this immitation of "Prue" from Charmed.  Ohhh well.  I’m excited to see them though, just the same 🙂

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