And the angel……

….turns TWO!!!

That’s right, Katherine turned two years old today.  She absolutely loved the attention of the responses she received when she’d say it was her birthday, and as she attempted to get out that she was two 😛  She was able to talk to Grandma today (my mom) and had a great conversation with her.  Last night I watched her birth video and was just in awe.  What an incredible birth – what an incredible child!!  She now has a very strong mind of her own.  Tonight Jonah came up to her, took her head between his hands, and in a very brotherly way, moved it back and forth.  She yelled, "STOP!!", and decked him 😛  hahaha

Jennifer, a friend Katherine is quite bonded with, is on vacation right now.  When she gets back in another week and a half, I’m going to put together a birthday party for Katherine.  Although, as I think about it, it appears it’ll be more of an adult social time while kids play, lol.  Of course there will be cake, candles, ice cream….. and atleast one baby doll.

Katherine is absolutely HOOKED on babydolls.  Tonight, while at a friends house next door, she attempted to say goodbye to the babydoll she was holding…

"Goodbye Baby", as she gave her first attempt to playing the baby in the chair, before bringing it back to her shoulder again.

"Goodbye Baby", she said as she attempted to place the baby down again, before it was brought back up to her shoulder again like a magnet.

"Goodbye Baby", she stated as she turned around with the baby held to her shoulder with one hand and lovingly craddling and patting her head with the other, as she made a beeline for the door we were attempting to exit.  ROFL

Alyssa is doing GREAT!!  Maturing by the day it seems.  She absolutely loves her new best friend, and her moms and my friendship is growing quite well too.  We now are having Saturday movie nights, which gives us a chance to socialize, kids to play, and to watch a movie.  Not like we don’t already see eachother throughout the week as it is, lol.

Jonah has been an incredible help out at the horses during chore time.  He’s a very thorough child and determined.  Today we had a carwash, and he was wonderful help in between holding the signs on the corner and scrubbing car, to spraying cars down.  He’s also doing great with his work 🙂

I had the wonderful opportunity of seeing JC today for a very quick hello, how are you visit.  She had me chuckling this evening over memories and events.  I sure have enjoyed our friendship.  Tonight I was explaining more to the next door friend, Charis, over the type of friend she was.  "Know how events can occur and things can be said that can cause friendships to crumble?"  I explained my sinario a few years ago, how I was really not who I am today emotionally.  How JC never faultered in her friendship, never changed who she was, always stood and waited, while I went through what I needed to go through… waiting for me.  She never turned away, even after some of the hurtful things I said.  Charis was in awe, and said, "That, there, is a true friend.  They are a rarity".  Absolutely!!!

Here are a few pictures.



Ok, before I move onto more photos, I have to share this little creature with you.  Hmm, maybe I should have named him!  He was at the carwash today as Jonah was hosing the cement down when we were cleaning up.  He went to spray and suddenly stopped and said, "Mom!!!"  Of course, I dived into save the little guy.  I can’t handle anything being killed if it can be prevented.  I took a picture of him, but it wasn’t long until his body was vibrating and he was moving hella fast up my arm…. he was placed down VERY quickly after that.  I can only handle THICK sharp little claws that are MOVING for so long, lol


The kids about had a heart attack today when Charis killed a spider that was in her house.  "Don’t tell mom!!!"  hahahaha!!  I have a hard fast rule that no animal is to be killed in my house.  Seriously, it breaks my heart if I ever have to squash something, LOL

Ok, back to the pictures 😛


And now for pictures from today, the birthday girl!!!!!


Jonah snuck a photo of me today, the turkey…

My pride and joy on the drill team, Spirit.  A blind morgan filly.  One day she’ll be competing with us, so long as she heals completely from her injury.  She loves Jonah.


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