The Princess

Alyssa sure has developed a mind of her own in the clothes she wants to wear to school, as well as how her hair should look.  Yesterday she wanted it left long, today she wanted it up on a pony tail but…. "don’t comb out the waves mom!"  Her independance is growing so quickly, SHE is growing quickly!  Her appetite doubled.  She finished her dinner tonight and asked for another round.  I remember when she would barely eat at all, going in waves of near nothing it seemed, to eating a large amount.  Soon I’m sure she’ll be growing out of her clothes again.  Saturday we buy new tennis shoes for her.

Jonah – that kid has also doubled in size.  He just needs a whole new wardrobe.  Yet another one who will be getting new shoes.  His feet have grown into flippers overnight it appears! 

And Katherine, still my petite little one.  Her whole appearance chances when I pull her hair up out of her face.  In the morning it’s dangling curls everywhere – my wild haired child.  These last two days I’ve realized it’s long enough to completely pull it up into ap ony tail, leaving the cutest little bob of hair, gorgeous grin and sparkling blue eyes.  This afternoon I was talking to my mom, "Want to say hi to grandma?"  …. "Ok! – – – Hi Gam-ma!"

"Hi sweetheart, how are you doing?"


"Are you having a nice day?"

"Yes" (at this point I needed to finish up the conversation) 

"I uv oo!  Bye"

"I love you too.  Bye sweetheart"

It was exciting to find out where her curls really came from.  They certainly could have come from her dad, who had curls as a youngster, but mom explained to me today that she had a head full of curls as a child, and that it still has a wave to it.  When it’s long it’s wavy.  Ohhh I hope Katherine keeps those curls, they are just so dang cute!

All the kids had a blast in the pool tonight, what a roudy bunch 😛  I went ahead and changed into shorts and a t-shirt, and completely startled the kids by diving in myself, lol.  Katherine came in with me too, we had quite the laughter of an evening.

Jonah’s doing great in school.  Very much one to get right down to business and get things done.  He’s very adiment with himself that there’s no reason to complete only one lesson in math – he’d rather do a minimum of four.  Wow, if he keeps up that pase he’ll be through the book in two month.  I would bet as things become tougher he’ll slow down a bit, but it’s neat to watch him set his own goals and work quietly to complete them.  Again, he read, and today we added in writing for manuscript work.  Monday we’ll add in history.  What I’m finding is the hours in the day are going by too fast.  I am quicking seeing myself detour from the original outlay of this homeschool program, and using it rather as a base, while I add in things I feel are important for him

Yesterday there was another in with the cranky lady here.  Today, Charis and I talked with the apartment manager as to what can be done.  She is talking with ‘cranky lady’ tomorrow and calling us.  Really, this lady should move.  She can’t tollerate ANY kid noises.  There’s four families with children living right here (between both buildings) and the kids stay inside because of her yelling at this, and yelling at the parents for their poor disciplining, that the kids should be locked in their room until their quiet, and that she’ll just call the cops.  Ugh.  The last resort solution will be to move to another building where the kids are able to freely play outside, but I’d rather not if at all possible.

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