And she’s off!

As I sit here and type, the house is erie quiet.  Katherine is playing contently under the table, the baby is mumbling to herself in her excersaucer, and I just got done setting Jonah up at the table with the first part of his schooling – Math.  I am having him work out of the Saxon Math 5/6 book.  Like all though, some rave and others don’t like the program.  That’s ok, we’ll give it a try.  So far I like it.

Normally you complete one lesson per day, but along with completing those lessons I’d like to see Jonah catch up to where he should be.  I have agreed that he would have 15min of computer time for every one lesson he completed, including the first lesson of the day so long as he completes atleast one more.  He immediately went to work.  This is what I love to see – his mind engrosed into learning.

Alyssa bounded out of bed this morning, with much surprise to me since she didn’t fall asleep until almost 11:30pm – her excitement for the first day of school was overwhelming her.  We cooked breakfast together, and I attempted to drag Jonah out of bed.  She certainly showed her "style" side, and she kept commenting on what she didn’t want to wear vs what she did.  She also didn’t want her hair pulled up today, and I was unable to convince her otherwise.  A pony tail?  Something?  Nope.

Wednesdays always confuse me on the start time of school.  Here, yet again, I has my mind set that it started at regular time, and was all set to be there early, to start the school year out unrushed.  With ten minutes to spare, it dawned on me that it was WEDNESDAY!  Crap!!  "Alyssa, grab your shoes!", the baby was buckled in her backpack, and down to school we went.  She arrived early, and gave her best friend a huge hug.  The chatted for a bit, and then the doors opened.  She gave me one last BIG hug and kiss, an "I love you", and she headed in, hung her backpack up in her cubby, and went to sit down at her desk.  What a big girl *grins*.


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