Snow White… and the shoes

A cold has seemed to pass through the house.  I still feel it hovering with me, Alyssa still has her cough, and Jonah woke up with a very sore chest and a difficult time breathing without it hurting, this morning.  I set him up into a hot bath and fixed him a strong cup of tea.  He fell back asleep, sleeping for quite a majority of the day.  He woke up feeling MUCH better, and fixed himself another cup of tea.  He’s bouncy and fine now.  Sniffly noses still remain.

Ryan came down tonight to visit.  Tomorrow is a huge day for me, and really was able to use help with the kids, and it seemed to time up perfectly with his schedule.  I am helping to drive an older lady around tomorrow who has no transportation – a good deed I felt inclined to do, I suppose.  Along with a few stops she needs to make, she also needs to pick up a beast of a goat about an hour away.  Good deed – good deed – I remind myself, lol.  I am quite thrilled the seats so easily come out of the van 🙂  She also sounds like she’d enjoy someon to talk with.  I’m glad I could help provide this to her.  I’ve seen her twice before, I look forward to seeing her again.

So, he’s playing with the kids during this time, and then I am back to watch the baby I care for during the day.  Following, I have to run 2 1/2hrs up north to take care of a few things, and back.  I should be home around 2am.  Quick sleep…. and … I think I get to sleep in Friday!  What’s on the to do list???  House cleaning!  (as always) and a horse supply pickup run.  I tried to do that today and they were out of many of the things I needed.  Have I mentioned how much I LOVE this van?  I am able to haul gobloads of bags of grain and stall pellets 🙂

Friday night, is going to be special.  Ryan is hanging out with the kids once again, a treat – I thank him dearly.  I will be able to step out of the house, childless, and attend estatic dancing.  Something I haven’t done for quite a while.  With luck Jennifer will be able to come also.  I have been online talking with an online friend of mine tonight, who I’ve been chatting with for almost three years now, but have never had the opportunity to meet.  I’ll be picking him up along the way, and taking him dancing too.  Right up his alley it sounds like 🙂  And no, it’s not some strange man, another friend of mine knows him well and actually introduced us through messenger.  I’m quite excited to finally meet him.

Having Ryan in my life has thrown a challenging situation into my hands.  Here is a man the kids LOVE, he is patient, respectful, very willing to get down to their level, freely reads to Katherine when she asks for a story, plays computer games with Jonah, just what Alyssa needs, supportive of my horses and can easily keep up with my busy schedule, definitely has the touch…. and I can’t seem to fall for him, any more then a friend.  What’s up with that???  He is a wonderful friend though, and am very glad to have him a part of our lives.  I have been very upfront with him so there was no misleading.  I am glad he is understanding.

I have quite a handful of guy friends, each one with very unique qualities and all excellent ones even though each are very different individuals in themselves.  Each one though, brings something unique into our lives, each carrying qualities in which I’m glad to have my children around.  All, fully excepting my children – to where they are not a burden nor "in the way".  It has been wonderful for them.  I’m very choosey on who I have around, both men and woman.  My children are to never be left feeling pushed out of the way, in any regards, where another person takes priority ahead of them.  It’s worked out very well.

The drill team is going exceptional.  It’s like a dance for many of us, running it while also taking care of the rest of our lives.  I have no idea how we did it before, and have any life.  We all seem to be pretty understanding as another needs to take a break and take care of personal issues or even just a breather.  This has been nice 🙂

Alyssa has been dancing around as Snow While today – not wanting to remove a dress she put on.  I have found her occasionally changing out of it and into a "church girl dress", as she calls it.  She is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!  I hope to get some pictures of her soon to post.  She really is quite a remarkable child, growing up SO SO fast.

Sometime this weekend I’ll be taking her, by herself, mommy and daughter time (If I’m able to make such a feat happen), to pick up her supplies.  She’d love this 😀  First grade… *sniffle*….

Jonah is well set to start homeschool.  We all are very excited for this.  I have also been asked if I am free to provide morning care to one child, and have been asked if I was available for one afterschool child as well as care for a 2yo.  I don’t really know how it’ll all come together, leaving it to fate really.  It’ll be perfect, I am sure.  And I’ll end up the children I’m suppose to care for during the day.  I have been completely and utterly blessed with the one child I have in my care…. what wonderful parents she has, as well as a great child to watch grow up and be a part of her daily life 🙂

I had the most delightful and much desired phone conversation tonight with someone special.  Many many things are going in such a great direction, my life is growing quickly!  I am so happy.  I have a group of wonderful friends – men and woman alike, three exceptional children, college that sits on the horizon for when I’m ready to start which will be soon, a great drill rescue organization that is growing slowly but surely, another dream in the process of being formed, and so many other things.  I could hug life!  Although… occasionally I want to throttle it also 😛 LOL

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