
Well, that’s what this entry started out as today.  I had quite a bit typed and then something happened and everything was gone.  Oh well.

It really was a peaceful day today.  When I started that entry my son was on the computer playing a game, daughter watching a movie, and both little ones sleeping.  Everything was quiet 🙂  In the background I had some beautiful soft music playing – ahhh.

I took Jonah and his bike into the bike store today so his bike could be fixed, only to realize as he was pushing it in that it really was too small for him.  A worker there confirmed this, and said he is now up to a 24" bike by placing him on a bike he fell in love with – $300, not quite ready to pay that price yet.  I brought his old one back home and took the next size up bike, a 24", to be fixed.  $90, ouch!  But, the nice this is that there is quite a list, so it wont be ready until next Wednesday.  I am strongly debating looking for a "new" bike for him, that is less then that.  I’m browsing, hopefully I find one.  If I do so before Saturday, then I can pick back up his bike at no charge. 

It’s been wonderful to have Jonah back home, he’s quite the little helper.  He’s extremely independant, and although he does the normal brother poking to antaganize Alyssa, he also does a lot to keep the peace.  He’s remarkable.

I have some visitors from out of town coming to stay this Friday, I’m so excited!  I haven’t seen them in ….. wow….. 15mo?  Regardless, it definitely has been quite some time.  We’re all having a girls night, Jennifer is coming to stay also with her little boy.  I am VERY glad I decided to go ahead and get loveseat hide-a-beds.  It’ll be very easy for everyone to have a place to sleep 🙂  I am skipping in excitement!

I touched back in with the management today regarding carpet cleaning.  My carpets are in serious need, thankfully they will be done soon.  A complimentary one came with the resigning of the lease.  While I was there I also talked with them regarding how rent was going to be come this next resigning.  Right now, for a 2br 1bth apartment, I pay $895mo.  $100 more then last year, and still $100 off of normal rent.  Next year there will be no more discount and rent will be atleast $1045.  I am glad to know this, I will be scouting out ideas on where to move.  I will most likely be staying very local, but at that price I should be able to rent a house, atleast a small one.  I’d rather pay just a little bit more and not have to deal with apartment issues.  Although, I really do enjoy it here.  Hmm, who knows.  I’m glad to be able to plan ahead though.  I’d love to move into a 3bd house 🙂

My income for these past few weeks have been severely cut, living on 1/3 of what I normally receive.  It hasn’t made budgeting too easy.  Thankfully this is the last week of that, and it’ll move back up starting next week.  Whew!

My patience has strongly been tested lately.  I’m having a REALLY hard time with the clutter in the house, and am glad it’s slowly been getting moved out.  Also, tonight for example, when I’m trying to cook dinner I’m dealing with Katherine clinging to me and Alyssa under foot, whining about Jonah.  I am certainly glad my patience level is HUGE! LOL  Although I was getting kinda short, which I’m not too thrilled about.  Rather then waiting for a situation to already be taking place like that, I need to plan for it and take steps to prevent it before it starts.  Next time 🙂

My hair has finally reached a length that I can’t just leave it hanging down anymore.  After last week where I had to sit and work through a rats nest at 3am (although the hour doesn’t have much to do with it, I couldn’t sleep and had to get that thing detangled), I have now left it in a braid.  It’s working well so far.  I hope I don’t reach a point of just chopping it off, although it sure becomes quite tempting.  It’s decent looking in a braid, which I’m glad for.  I’d love to learn more styles to do with it.  It hands down to my pants waist line.

Ohhhh birthdays are starting now.  My two younger/oldest brothers had their birthdays in July and August.  Next comes my youngest brother, David, then Katherine, Mimi’s dad, Alyssa, Jonah, Mimi, girls dad, Nicki, and multiple other people that are skipping my mind.  Wow – not sure if I prefer everyone grouped together or spread out more, LOL.

Tonight as Amandine was being picked up by her grandparents, a white truck rolled in.  Donny!  Mmm – hug, and introduction to his friend in the passengers seat.  I love that friends of mine feel they can just show up out of the blue.  They asked to use my computer for directions to get back home taking the back roadws (transmission went).  They asked if they could use the computer *cringe, dirty house!*  They laughed when they walked in, asking, "Where’s the mess???"  Whatever 😛  Maybe I’m getting much more picky, which is good I suppose.  I still feel I have far to go.  They sat down, his friend started laughing as I leaned over the couch, reached around the side of Donny, running my fingers along the mouse pad on the laptop which sat directly in his lap, and typed in what they were looking for.  It’s cute to see his eyes gasp – the last time was when I was on the phone with JC, who said hello to him and other comments, and as I continued with her I reached in the truck and placed my hand high on his theigh to say goodbye.  Meant nothing by it, exactly, but he went wide eyed and started grinning with silly remarks.  Donny is too funny, and quite cute to tease 🙂  Nothing will ever come of it, he’s a great friend though and quite the delight to have around.  I’ve been very proud of him, to see the great steps forward he’s making in his life and getting himself together.  He started with nothing, literally, and is making quite a base for himself.

Well, not much else to say really – gotta scoot these kids to bed.  Night all!

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