
AF showed up today, four days early, but just the same.  These last few days I’ve felt so bitchy, short, teary at times…. and then tonight the nausia started in as well as the cramping.  Walla, she was here!  I feel like a whining baby tonight, although I’m keeping it to myself.  My abdomen huuurts.  Here I am now laying on the floor watching Charmed, and placed the laptop on my tummy.  Ahh – natural heatpad 🙂  Ok, I can lay like this for a while.  I hope this passes quickly.  It’s not usually THIS uncomfortable!

Last night I couldn’t sleep.  I fell asleep just before 2am, and woke up a little after 4am, with almost a panic feeling of having to clean the house.  I couldn’t go back to sleep, I got up, poked around on email for a bit and started cleaning.  Sat back down and started taking care of drill emails as they were coming in (finishing the corrections needed for our non-profit with microsoft, old past owner to a truck we were given, etc), and back to cleaning again.  I had the livingroom and porch completely reorganized before 8am.  I cannot WAIT until the apartment management is ready to have the floors cleaned – they are most certainly in need of it. 

A few days ago when I picked apples with the girls, Katherine played in the sandbox.  She’s never really done that before, we’re just never around sandboxes.  She absolutely loved it and didn’t want to leave, finding complete thrill in pouring sand into a little fish and watching it flow over.  I had the idea we could possibly fit one on our back porch, I double checked and today picked her up a sandbox.  Tomorrow I need to go ahead and buy sand.  She is SO excited!

Although I’m stalling giving away the rocking chair, I am most likely going to sell the BBQ and build Jonah a place for him to have a garden he’s asked about having for quite a while.  The bikes I am sure can be stored on the master bedroom.

Tomorrow the house gets gutted – well, cleaned.  I want Jonah’s room ready for him when he comes home.  I need to go through all of Alyssa’s clothes and finish tidying up their room, and finish folding and putting away the laundry.  I am not happy with how things look right now.

Jonah has reached an age where he needs his own room, so the only thing left to do is move out into the livingroom.  I am picking up a loveseat sleeper tomorrow.  This way the girls have one room, Jonah has the other room, and I have the livingroom.  Works well, lol.  Not like I really need a room with a closed door for any reason, lol. 

Jonah’s dad decided to keep him for an extra week.  So, this weekend I may actually get a chance to ride!  I can’t wait 🙂  So, NEXT Saturday I pick him up. 

Mmmmm – Charmed is one.  Speaking of charmed, I really want to get that second tatoo.  As things are going, it doesn’t seem I’ll be able to for quite a while.  Oh well.  I do appreciate having the time to be sure the design I create is absolutely perfect.  I love my first one.  There are two more I want.

Ok – going to lay down and watch this show.  I have the series here, first and second. 

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