
What a day yesterday!

On Saturday afternoon I called to confirm with both of my lessons that they’d be there.  The way I have my riding program now, everything is laid back.  No problem if a student can’t come or they schedule family time instead.  I often have drill events happening that keep me from teaching also.  So, come the weekend I always call.  One student was had back stage tickets to the zoo with her mom, and the other was going to go see the Blue Angels.  I took a moment to find out more about it, the cost, the location, how to get there, etc.  I was just talking with another friend of mine about maybe taking the kids.  I asked if I would be able to follow them there.  Absolutely, she said.  I needed to be ready to go by 10am.

I got up early the next morning, Sunday, and got the kids ready to go, hair brushed, breakfast fed, clothing that was heat appropriate, and met up with a friend of mine who had never seen the Blue Angels before either.  I called the family we were following and asked if we could meet at Starbucks – – major craving 😛

I was sure to bring my new jogger with me, besides, the kids wanted a chance to try it out.  After finding parking on the road I unloaded the jogger and set it up.  In went Katherine (Alyssa walked with the other family), and I immediately fell in love with it.  It was SO easy to push and control, it floated!  It was about 1/2mi to the park.  For the next two hours the kids played and the adults socialized.  Alyssa came up once asking for money for ice cream…. suuuure.  Katherine turned on her charm to other adults close by, and I decided to take a moment and play like a kid with the daughter of the family I followed.  We played with hand stands, back flips, round offs, cart wheels, and full out running races.  Fun fun 🙂  Then came the time that they opened the bridge and everyone walked down onto it.

The "opening band" of planes that flew around was neat, it was a good warmup for Katherine who is afraid of things flying in the sky.  They were somewhat quiet, and she came around to understand that they were ok, and she’d clap while yelling, "YEAH!?  A few times she stood there (in my arms) with her mouth completely gawked open. hahaha.

The Blue Angels arrived – how cool!  One skimmed so close over the bridge that it completely excited the man in front of me.  "That was sooooo close!!!" He bounced! Men, LOL.  Katherine did become afraid a few times, but did exceptional holding herself together.  She also learned how to hold her ears.

I decided to leave early to get ahead of the pile of traffic.  I only missed 20min of the ending.  We got back to the car, loaded up the kids into the van as well as the jogger, and back to my hometown.  I had received a call from a guy friend of mine there I hadn’t seen for a while, who wasn’t working (he works ALL the time) and did I have time to stop and say hello.  Of course 🙂  He was playing pool at a bar – handed the friend who was with me $20 to take the kids over to Mc.D’s while I quickly said hello.  He sure seemed agitated – bordom he said, which makes sense.  I invited him over sometime when he’s free.  He and his work buddy know the pool is open whenever they would like to cool off after after a hard days work.  He hasn’t taken that up yet, although is work buddy did… and was handed a plate of food after he was finished, since I was cooking dinner at the same time.  I need to cook more often.

On I went out to work Zoe, my princess horse.  It had been a real debate that morning whether to go ride or see the Blue Angels.  I never get to ride since I always have the kids, and here I had the opportunity since I had someone with me.  What a decision, kids and their delight took presidence 😛 LOL  My work with Zoe went very well, I sure miss working her.  Came back, completed horse chores, fed kids, and got them into bed.  I collapsed, it was 10pm.

This morning I woke up SOOOOO sore.  What in the world???  I couldn’t for the life of me figure it out.  Certainly the 1/2mi walk to the park and back wouldn’t do that to me, I surely hoped anyway.  It wasn’t until I sat down to type out this entry that I figured it out… it’s from playing as a kid for a change.  Races, hand stands, etc.  My body definitely hurts 😛 LOL

I’m off now to load everyone up and get a few errands done.  I wanted to walk this morning, but it’s now a bit too hot to have the kids out in it.  Maybe tonight, or later.  I am absolutely thrilled with my jogger purchase though 🙂  I scored!

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I never knew they let you stand on the bridge and watch! How cool.