
Whew, what a day!  I attempted to make it a goal to get the house cleaned today, and for the most part that occured.  My daughter accidently peed on my bed (lovely), even on the top cover, but as murphy’s law would expect, it went through all the sheets and blanket, down through the bottom sheet.  So, above all the rest of the laundry, my bed became the goal today.  Each blanket is BIG, so each one is a load in itself.  And then to dry each one, you have to stop it, put it out, and it back in again so the areas that are still wet can be exposed to the heat.  But, I got ALL the blankets done!  I was able to accomplish the rest of the laundry, as well as just put in the last BIG blanket in the house.  Tomorrow though, I do need to wash a few blankets and sheets from the kids room.

The house is clean and vacuumed, counters and tables wiped off, a load of dishes going, and kids are in bed.  Well, bed and kids aren’t matching tonight, but that’s ok.  They’re in their rooms anyway.  I tried something new tonight – I fed them at 5pm and had them finished and ready to begin getting ready for bed when the little girl I watch was picked up at 6pm.  It was smoother time wise for me, but didn’t help them any.  That’s ok, I’ll try again.  Regardless, they’re heading towards bed around 7:30pm, at the latest 8pm.  I like that!   Katherine though, does NOT like it.  Thankfully, both girls head to bed together, so she’s not alone in there. 

I sat down to begin working on the teams newsletter and couldn’t focus, I HAD to finish cleaning the rest of the house first.  It’s strange how that occurs sometimes.  Now though, I can focus.  I hope I can pretty much get this done tonight, if not then I should finish tomorrow night.  The girl who normally does the newsletter – I’m not sure what’s going on with her.  She seems to be taking a break in a way, which is ok I suppose.  Just would be nice if others were made aware of the need so they can prepare to pick up the slack.  It’ll all work out fine, I am sure.

I started talking with this one dad of a 4yo girl online a while ago.  He has this girl who was a friend, then they sort of have been dating, and she’s now desiring to only be friends.  For a number of reasons, but basically he doesn’t understand her way of thinking, he is questioning even being friends with her.  It makes me sad when I see this, people giving up and walking away from a friendship that use to be so close just because they don’t opperate in life the way THEY think they should.  Or they don’t understand.  I wonder what he’ll decide to do, he obviously cares about her.  I guess I can’t phathom just turning my back on someone.  I suppose I tend to fight for friendships, unless they themselves completely turn away from me…. as did occur with my friend who founded the rescue team with me.  Life is strange.  I still find myself missing her – mostly missing the potential she had.  She sure is quickly back tracking into her old (negative) ways.  I hope she does ok.

The girls seem to be waking up around 3am and crawling into bed with me at night.  I love this time.  I always wanted them to have the freedom to crawl into bed with me if they really wanted to – I use to be able to do this with my mom when I was little.  Last night I was up late working on the computer, and finally went to bed.  I already heard Katherine wake up and fall back asleep twice, after calling for me (this morning Alyssa told me she would pretend to be me, hold her hand, and she’d fall back asleep – aww!).  After I started drifting off, she woke up again.  This time I went and opened the door and welcomed her to come lay down with me.  Alyssa asked to come in also, at first I declined, but the sweetest most angelic way she attempted to compromise caused me to easily welcome her also – what a sweetheart.  I woke up with my two princesses on both sides of me 🙂

Today I did find myself getting a bit frustrated, which thankfully I was able to hold it in and smile, making a silly comment rather then snarling.  I was attempting to clean the house, and felt like each step I took I was tripping over a child.  Each time I turned around there was one under foot and another creating a mess in an area I just cleaned.  The baby would either be on my back, in arms, hungry, tired/fussy.  A few times I purposefully stopped, took a breath, and started again.  I LOVE being a stay at home mom, and am extremely thankful to be able to be so, but my goodness.

I decided to go ahead and order pizza for dinner, and invited Jennifer and her baby, Luke.  ANOTHER BABY!!!!!  Another opportunity to get my baby fix 😛  I can’t wait until he can start having sleep overs with "Auntie Suzie" – – – although supposedly I’m, "second mommy", lol.  He is so dang adorable and so kissable!  It was fun to have him over for a bit.

Oh!  The guy accepted my offer for the double jogger/trailer.  I’m so thrilled!!!  It’s PERFECT, and although the price was a bit spendier then what I wanted to spend on a trailer, it’s well worth it.  New they run close to $300.  He was asking $195 for it and I offered him $140 – which was the very most I wanted to spend for the type of trailer design I was searching for.  He accepted it.  I’ll be picking it up Friday afternoon.  The reviews on this model are VERY high, and the design is exactly what I was looking for, unlike the cheaper model designs that are a jogger/trailer.  I also found a mountain bike and will be picking that up tomorrow afternoon.  I’m now on a hunt for a princess bike for my 6yo daughter, a bike seat for my near 2yo, and a mountain bike for my almost 10yo son.  Slooowly I’m finding the right ones 🙂 

Ok – now that it’s 10:15pm, the house is clean, I’m able to finally start on this newsletter… and I’m exhausted.  Oh well, I hope this’ll get done quickly – I can hope anyway 😛 LOL



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