Done like dinner…

I call those evergreens the ‘sentinel’ trees, bc they look like a group of sentinels. I went to Southlake for my bone density test which went smoothly. I did have arthritic pain…. but that is bc there is another storm coming to our area… again. πŸ’€πŸ’€πŸ’€

So, for the rest of the day, I’m free and clear and tomorrow too.Β 

Jenna Ortega is going to have a role in Beetlejuice 2. Hells to the yes!!! I just wish I could go to the movies once again, but because of COVID, that ain’t happening anytime soon. πŸ™

I am going to watch Wednesday tonight again.. I ❀️that show.

What’s up y’all?


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March 23, 2023

Jenna Ortega is so cute!
Wednesday was a good show but a little too dark for me

Jenna Ortega would be perfect for Beetle Juice 2!


@ladiwan I love Wednesday.. it’s deliciously sinister! πŸ™‚ Yes… agreed. πŸ™‚