I come home yesterday immediately I can smell it, so I ask him. And he just smiles and nods. So, while he has been “working” from home he slipped out to buy himself some alcohol. So, I just stormed out of the study and prepared myself for my ‘Zoom’ meeting.
While reading in bed he thought it would be funny to just take up the whole bed and lie on my legs so I couldn’t move. A few minutes ago, he ate a Cannabis Gummy sweet, so now he was stoned and found everything I said funny.
This morning I woke up to find that he had drank my water bottle that I made for gym/work. Many times, I have told him to take a glass and make his own cold water to drink and to leave my water bottles. But of course, when you see it already done for you why go through the hassle of making it yourself.
Being a wife is exhausting…well maybe it is just being his wife!
Today is Valentine’s Day, and I know it is just a whole money-making day but still it would be nice to have some love shown. Last year I remember I bought him a gift and a few days after Valentine’s Day I got a
. I am not expecting anything besides a stoner or hung over husband when I get home later. But maybe I will make him feel bad and I will go and buy him something during my lunch break. A few weeks ago, I bought him a few t-shirts…so today maybe I should get him a chocolate. Yesterday I did buy him a Cellphone cover, but only receiving that on Friday.
well that’s not the valentine’s you wanted… 🙁
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