Nothing to see, move along

"Mint Julips and Needles don’t add up to wisdom"

Yeah, I’m not really in a mood to rant still. But I just saw Amy off. we did suprisingly well for 2 weeks straight around each other. In fact, I’d call it spectacularly well. I had an amazing and fun time and I wouldn’t have changed
much, Except my car battery dying, and my tires getting replaced. 🙂

With that, I also realize how much I do enjoy my alone time. Maybe I’m wired different, but I treasure having space where I can relax, stretch out and not think about much of anything. (though I do need to write. write write) Meh.

I keep saying I need to work out more. Really I do. get myself back into the shape I should be in.
So… What am I waiting for? a signed invitation? 🙂

The only person who can take care of me. is me.

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June 21, 2006

Maybe you’re just too used to living alone! Although I know that can change my 35 year old boyfriend has lived alone for 8 years but now I’m here and things seem pretty good to be honest. You just gotta respect each others space.

yanno, the people who need to answer to any of the folks you named off are actually the ones who are afraid of them. i’m not fussed about the fascist government OR nosy neighbors, to be quite honest with you. pleasant day.

oh yeah, and about the “patriarchal religion” i’ve mistakenly staked my whole life on… well… if i actually was a member of that patriarchal religion, that would certainly suck a lot, wouldn’t it? fortunately, i follow nothing of the world. i belong to Christ. for the record, religion is a continual source of frustration to me. sometimes i even hate it. my beliefs have little or nothing

to do with religion and i have no more to do with patriarchal idiots who think men are better than women because “religion” says so than your average atheist. thanks for your concern. i wouldn’t want to be brainwashed any more than the next sheep. baa.

June 22, 2006

Sounds good my dear.. *hugs*

June 22, 2006

first of all thank you very much for your comments and i must say you are the wisest one at of all the ppl who left comments. I completely agree with you that the reason there is this conflict is due to culture differences. For instance, i live in israel and came to realize that the reason the rest of middle east hates us is because we follow the western democratic manner. If we had the same view

June 22, 2006

view as their way of governing then im not saying there wouldn’t be war but i bet you it wouldn’t have been as bad as it is now. Turkey for example is another country that has the same situation. Changing the subject yes its true i do get some complaints for my writings lol well i predicted that since im writing things that are quite controversial but hey i like you said i asked for it :).

June 22, 2006

ouu sorry one last thing hehe 🙂 Tv is evil because its soo goooood

I was thinking about you the other day. I was wanting to ask….how is your heart doing? Mine seems to go through spells. One visit the heart doc wants to operate, the next visit my heart is perfect. Go figure. Take care and stay safe. *hugs*

RYN: Why thank you, as I like Mr. Palahniuk’s writing myself. As to my purpose… I think we’ll file it under “for me to know and people to either mistakenly think they understand or confess utter lack of comprehension of.” Deliberately perverse, obscure, ambiguous, talking to myself in a secret code… sure. Fair enough. Those who enjoy it may, and those who don’t can piss off. I apply the same

statements to my visual art. I don’t create anything for the specific reason of saying anything to anybody. I create it to get it out of my head to make more room for more things that my head concocts, because otherwise my head would explode into a wet splat of red and gray bits, and I’m rather fond of the shape of my skull just the way it is.

It all has a coherent order, purpose and meaning to me, but it’s irrelevant to me if that’s communicated to anyone else… and in fact, I don’t really believe it’s possible, at least not in its entirety. Alrighty then. Over and out.

June 27, 2006

You’re not the only one who needs to work out. I am sooo gross. Comes with the post pregnancy package I suppose. Oh yeah, 30 Seconds to Mars. Do yourself a favor. Get their Cds. Very Cure. Very.

RYN: My thanks to you. =)