
Been listening to MSI a lot tonight. played a lot of Diablo II. still refer to the necromancer summoned minions as ‘skelebabies’ And in general working out a heck of a lot more than I should.

Here’s a pic of me for those people who haven’t seen me ever. or in a while me in a suit

I hadn’t cut my hair in the suit picture.
it was just pulled back

here’s a few pics for you artistic freaks.
hurricane frances
From my back porch During Hurricane Frances, yes, that is the Ocean. (Sheyla took this at 6AM
after I’d gone to sleep and she was on watch to see if we needed to evac)

One of my favorite pictures I’ve ever taken. That’s Amy R., (Permission granted by her to put the photo up).

Amicalola Falls, GA 700 foot waterfall

Watch the water … fall

Best Sign Ever! (except for All your base…)

Up for a climb?

It’s a long walk home…

And the sun is going down

there, if you ask nicely, maybe I’ll put up more pics. 🙂

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Gorgeous pictures. 729 feet is rather high. We have several waterfalls here in Utah, you’d think the waterfalls would be higher considering Kings Peak is 13,528 ft high, but I suppose the waterfalls just don’t make it that far down the mountain. Bridal Veil Falls is our highest waterfall at 607 feet.

I don’t even wanna look at them steps. I still can’t do steps to this day. My right hip hasn’t fully healed from surgery. Oh yeah i broke the ball of my right hip in 2 places in october. I’ve got 3 screws in there now. So now when I go to buildings w/ metal detectors I go off and they all look at me like I’m a terrorist. And you still haven’t changed one bit. *mwah*

RYN: has it been that long? Geez I didn’t even realize. Wow that’s kinda scary in a way but yet awesome to know someone for that long.

April 24, 2006

pretty pictures 🙂 where they taken at?? looks like where i lived in NC…. is it north GA? heh and woo hooo look who is looking all handsome in his suit 😀

May 3, 2006

Oh my I havent left you a note here in decades..well it seems like decades anyway..Yes indeed those pics are you.Such a cutie you are..havent seen you in ages;-) And I love the one you took of Amy!Miss the both of you..sad now:-( Damnit it is imperative that we all hang out soon,otherwise I might cuss and say damnit agin..damnit!lol hugs