Ok Fine, I’ll write

Ok Nicky, Fine, I’ll write :-p heh heh.

So, Now it’s April. tell us oh great and wise King George, how shall you protects us from ourselves. After all. You’ve done absolutely nothing to fund inititives to reduce our dependence on oil gas and coal. You refuse to spend money on alternative energies, be it fission, wind, solar. You also refuse to help fund research into Fusion, which if we ever make breakthroughs, will quite easily solve every energy need the use would *ever* need. Hell, you won’t even increase the fuel efficiency of new cars. So yes, everyone can drive a Hummer just like our troops who are dying over in Iraq. That’s right, they’re dying to protect your right to drive a gas guzzler. In the meantime, you still have the republican masses who remain convinced that somehow Iraq was building WMD’s and funding 9/11. Woo, Hussien had a mural of the twin towers getting blown up commissioned. Big fucking deal. He is a classless thug. But he was a classless thug that we had under control and wasn’t doing anything. In fact he was keeping iraq together as a country. (as opposed to the violence that is currently tearing it apart) Yo, King George, there’s a reason your father didn’t go in and take Hussein out. He knew what would happen? Next time pay attention to Dad.

In the meantime, Afghanistan continues to spiral downhill, because we DIDN’T finish the job. King George in his efforts to settle his personal score against Hussein (King George, if you’re wondering, was reportedly very pissed that Hussein had tried to hire a hit squad against the Bush Family).  So he made up every excuse, Lied, and misled the American public wherever possible to rally for a conflict. So we left afghanistan unfinished. We left Bin Laden alive. and We’ve managed to create tens of thousands more people willing to die to kill Americans. Do you really feel safer?

Meanwhile the power grab by american law enforcement continues. Backed by King (‘the constitution is just a damned piece of paper’) George. And in violation of Federal law. The Government has been wiretapping US citizens without bothering to get a warrent. Mind you, the court that oversees the wiretapping has rejected all of 2 (yes, 2) requests for wiretapping out of over 10,000 (yes, 10,000) wiretaps requested up until recently. And yet, with a success rate of 99.998% the Bush Administration decided to stop getting any warrents? Why? They claim it’s because they need it in a timely fashion. Which is an absolute Lie. Because they can start a wire tap up to 72 hours before they have to get the warrent. so if they think they need timely information right there. They can start the wiretap, and then have 3 days to get their ducks in a row and get the warrent.

 (BTW, he is quoted through out the 2004 election talking about FISA and how the government needs to have warrents to wire tap and that the us would obey the law, pretty damning indictment that he knowingly broke the law and lied to the public about it, and you thought a blowjob in the oval office was worth impeachment?)

So, Why did King George do it? Why did he make it a point to authorize wiretapping without warrents? Because a warrent is part of public record. With the warrents the public would know the amount of spying on america The Bush administration has been doing. Sure, every one of the warrents would be authorized. But what sort of uproar would the public have if they realized that the Bush administation was spying on 1 million people. What sort of uproar would happen if the Bush administation had to publicly show just what they were doing? Of course, I think the bush administation also screwed up because they will always have that 30 percent who thinks he can do no wrong. And really, with a republican controlled congress, he can get away with murder (in fact, 2600+ US soldiers dead) and not have to answer for it.

Now you have AT&T letting the NSA wiretapp every single call. every single text message. everything that goes over their network. Without a warrent, without any oversight. why? because America got scared. the OMG terrorists. which is the new mantra for the OMG Commies. is now a reason to let the Government to watch everything you do. Do you want a camera in your home? do you want cameras over your bed so the government can watch everything you do? (Don’t laugh, there’s at least one Mayor attempting to do just that for any house that has called the police more than the police should be called by a resident)

As it is now, People will say, ‘if you don’t break the law, you have nothing to worry about’ And I say, "are you insane?" There are now so many laws out there that on average, an american citizen breaks 5 of them in a day. A determined DA could probably arrest and convict anyone in the United states for some sort of legal Transgression. In the meantime, The US continues to march towards Facism. Making people dissapear, Keeping open Guantanemo. Claiming that these people are ‘dangerous’ Torturing them, and in a Kafkaeque turn, bring them before a military tribunal, where they are not permitted to know what they’re accused of, nor are they allowed to see any evidence against them, Nor are they permitted to question or even know the people who have leveled accusations against them. If you want to see america treat anyone like that. then you don’t get it. The true measure of a nation is not how it treats the best  citizens, but how it treats the worst.

You’d think drinking in a bar is legal. But in texas, the police have begun arresting people in bars for drinking too much. Mind you, they’re not being loud drunks, or raising a fuss. They simply "might" drive home, instead of take a taxi, so rather than "risk" having them break the law, The police don’t even wait for them to leave the bar, they just arrest them on the spot and haul them off. Talk about a buzz kill for those people who like bars. But that’s the danger you run into when it’s decided that it’s better to arrest someone before they commit a crime, even if that person may not have commited a crime at all. I’d be more ok if an intoxicated person was arrested after getting in his or her car and started the ignition. Then you have intent. but what if that intoxicated person hails a cab and goes home? That’s the similar risk of thought crimes. Just because someone thinks something, even in passing, doesn’t mean he or she will do it. A woman was arrested for conspiracy to commit a terrorist act because she mailed a letter to the editor of a newspaper, complaining about airplanes over her head, "(paraphrased) Sometimes I would imagine they’re blackbirds and I had a gun." was the gist of what she said. Not even saying that she was going to.  But the DA went and had her arrested. Yep, Way to get those terrorists.

Immigration. Believe it or not, I give King George credit here. He’s trying to get something done, something that the nation needs. and thats understanding that there’s a reason 11 million immigrants are here. And that’s because WE NEED THEM. They’re not exactly sittting around on welfare you know. In fact they generally are afraid to use any Government services for fear that it will some how get them caught by the Government. So they exist, between the cracks. Hidden and preyed upon by The criminal elements. (In Tifton Georgia (IIRC) several hispanics were gunned down over the course of a week by gangs relying upon the fear of being deported to keep the rest of the community silent. It’s time to accept that they are a part of our society. Now if we do that, we should try to work on the border to limit such a strong inflow of illegal immigration. But also understand, that it’s not just immigration from mexico. You have Irish, German, Canadian, Thai, Japanese, Korean, Russian. People from all over the world here illegally. There needs to be a 3fold process. 1 – Increase border security, increase the funding. quit using survelliance on the anti war rallys and instead put it on the border. 2 – Legalize the people here. or at least give them a process to become legal. (pay a fine, pay any owed taxes, whatever it takes) 3 – Increase the amount of legal immigration. Quit being scared. America has changed and evolved with each influx of immigrants. so quit being racist and accept that it’s the price of making america a melting pot. new stuff melts in. And I can promise you. They’d happily assimilate into american life and culture if they didn’t have to hide in the shadows. (and it’s not like previous immigration waves were magically assimilated, it’s usually the next generation who become americanized).

And lest I forget, i think the Republican Fascists want to make the criminals do the work of the illegals…. At the same time they want the illegals to be arrested and put in prison. Hmmm… It’d be a great way to get free labor. I wonder if anyone else has thought of that connection.

Somehow I think because of my ‘extreme’ views, I’ll be viewed as a potential terrorist and put on the no fly list. What makes me sad. I don’t think I’m kidding. of if I am kidding, I’m kidding on the square.

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April 16, 2006

It’s been a long time since I left a comment on your diary. After reading what should be common sense to America on this page, I feel it is my duty to show you this free and downloadable film from Sundance called HAHA America. China is more American than America and they are laughing. I really want to know your thoughts. http://festival.sundance.org/2006/watch/film.aspx?which=402&category=DOC

April 19, 2006


You always have a way of putting things. And most of the time I agree. With this entry, I totally agree. I hope you are doing good. I’ve missed you alot.