Is America Afraid?

Are we so afraid of ‘teh terroists’ that we’ll let the Bush administration lie to us, Use "National Security" as an excuse to hide any information that might be deemed embarrasing to the people in power? The latest example happened on wikipedia, where people from a US House of Representatives made over 1000 edits to various wiki sites to either whitewash information or to put information on political opponants that were patently ‘libel’ in nature. Efforts to find out more information about who might have done it were greeted by the response that revealing any information would be a ‘threat to national security’

Isn’t about time someone stood up and said, "America, are you going to let the people in power keep telling you to be afraid? Are you going to continue to permit the Current administration construct a gilded cage and take away your freedoms? It’s time to stop being afraid of the terrorists. It’s time to stop being afraid of the boogey men. It’s time to start being afraid of the government that continues to restrict your freedoms. In case you’re wondering, the regulations for air travel are legally binding laws. But, in a orwellian turn of events, The regulations are… you guessed it… classified. So, you can find yourself breaking the law, be arrested and jailed, and find yourself unable to even find out what you did, because it’s… you guessed it… classifed for national security.

There is something fundementally wrong when there are secret laws. Secret laws are the mark of a totalitarian regime. Secret laws are designed to make you afraid, after all, who might be next to get a knock on the door at 4am.

Government is about trust. When the government treats the people as nothing more than potential criminals, then it is no longer a government for the people and by the people. When the people no longer trust the Government… What can the People do? Voting is one option. the second is to become educated, the third is to become motivated. If you sit back and do nothing, when the knock comes at 4am, then it will hit home, that the America we knew and loved is truely dead.

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February 21, 2006

I think I’m getting my PC soon.. if the income taxes EVER come back, even if I get half of it I’ll still get me a pc. Then I can chat to ya sometimes I guess. Love Carmen