9 months until the elections

Do you know who you are voting for?

I’m not pro Deomcrat, but I am now absolutely and vehemently anti-Bush. Throw out your politics, just count the number of laws he admits he has broken, but claims authority to break in the name of the American people! No President is above the law. If the president can break the law, then we have no law and he’s not the President and we owe no allegiance to him- because the law is the only thing that makes him the President. Once he shows us that the law means nothing to him, he ceases to be the President of the United States. I don’t care if he is "protecting the american people". The American people don’t need a King who protects us- we had that- and we delcared independance and wrote our own constitution.

I don’t know if the republican party spent so much time as the minority party that they are giddy with hubris. They take kickbacks (See Abramoff for more details) and bribes to do the bidding of corporations. perhaps you can argue that all parties are guilty, but why does the republican party seem to have a pathologial belief that somehow they are above the law. DeLay faces trial for trying to bypass the very laws he took an oath to uphold. Go back to Iran Contra, where Ollie North authorized by the president, used money from the weapons supplied to Iran to fund the contras, in defiance of US law and to make matters worse, money was used to purchase drugs and sold on US streets to help further fund the Contras.  (anyone else remember Reagans speech? the one where he basicly said, yeah, it was illegal, but it was for yourr own good?)

Ok, step back another 15 years… Nixon. in order to gain further advantage over the democratic party (which had no prayer of winning the 72 election), had the democratic National committe HQ broken into, bugged, and documents photographed. The people were caught, and Nixon had the CIA impede the FBI investigation into the matters. (and it all went down hill from there)

If you can’t handle the Democratic party and their policy. Keep in mind that there are other alternatives. Libertarian  comes to mind (of course). But are you willing to trust a party that ignores the very oath they take when the are elected to office. Can you support a president who has been quoted as saying that “Stop throwing the Constitution in my face.It’s just a goddamned piece of paper!”  add on to the insult, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, while still White House counsel, wrote that the “Constitution is an outdated document.”

There’s more if you take the time to look for it. Bush has been in contact with Abramoff since He was Gov of Texas, In July of 1997 Bush wrote letter on behalf of Abramoff. There’s so much more there, but with the Government putting ‘classified’ on everything , including their lunch recipts, there’s a virtual stonewall taking place. (can someone for the love of all that is unholy tell me why the Bush administration feels that the photographs taken of Bush with other guests is somehow critical to national security and must be kept from the public?)

As an aside, though I’m not particularly happy with Alito, He should be comfirmed as a  Justice. He is qualified to be a justice of the Supreme Court. You may disagree with his possible leanings, but political leanings are not a matter to worry about, that’s what elections are for.

(BTW if you think I’m a liberal, you’re smoking crack)

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January 29, 2006

God, i wish i could bare to read all of that.. *sigh*, anyway, my foot is slightly itchy and i have an intricate pattern to get back to drawing. I hope whatever you were talking about goes well.. haha im useless :s! Mwa!

I just want someone who actually keeps the promises he/she makes. The govt. hasn’t done a damn thing for me except deny me 7 times b/c apparently the doctors the govt. hire are idiots and deny everyone. I feel like I’m in the movie “The Rainmaker”. I hate the govt here. I wish I could move to another place where they actually help their citizens. *kiss on the nose* ~Nichole~