
I win.
I found all my cam pics, and even some old webcam pics, I’m happy,  as a bonus, I found my books and a few of my father’s old chess books (that run 100 bucks a book on amazon), along with a bunch of software that actually counts as money … we’re talking *starts counting on his fingers* at least 500 dollars in value of books and software… probably more, but I’m just guesstimating. Now, I’m torn, do I program, or write? Of course, I’m also really close to buying a new digital camera, go to tigerdirect.com there’s some pretty good deals there.

I should be asleep, really, I should

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I found your diary randomly, but I really like your entries. I always ask before I put people on my favorites list so if you’re alright with it just note me back. I need new diaries to read, and yours seems like it would be interesting to take a gander at if you didn’t mind. Ttfn Kit