Working out is fun… if you don’t die :) -updated

Yeah, So, I started my workout last night at 186 pounds…. I ended it weighing 181. The scary part, I didn’t even work out that hard, it was only a 30 minute bike ride (holding a 35Kmh – 21.7Mph pace), ran 2 miles in 16:30, and went up 71 flights of stairs in 15 minutes. Oh, and I have my current maximums for a few things:

  • Stomach Press at 200 pounds (max on machine): 29 Reps
  • Feb 28: Max 200 pounds: 25 Reps
  • Jan 28: Max 200 pounds 10 Reps
  • on the overhead pulldown Max is 160 pounds
    • Feb 28: 145 Pounds
    • Jan 28: 130 Pounds
  • pec fly: 130, (you take the weights and pull them together, I guess it works on your pecs Laughs)
    • Feb 28: 110 Pounds
    • Jan 28: 90 Pounds
  • Bench Press: 150 pounds
    • Feb 28: 140 Pounds
    • Jan 28: 120 Pounds
  • Curls: 80 pounds
    • Feb 28: 70 Pounds
    • Jan 28: 60 Pounds

    So, as you can see, it’s a pretty remarkable improvement in the overall power capability, It’s no where near body builder status, and I really am not expecting that level of improvement to continue, But Basicly I’ve been doing the following routine: 10 reps at 70% max, then 10 more at 10 pounds less, after a couple of weeks I up things slightly to 2 sets of 10 reps at 70%, followed by a thirds at 10 pounds less

    Today I’ll test to see how fast I can do a 1.33 mile run, along with situps and pushups, and compare them to what my maxes were previously (they’ll be updated later today). Considering a gallon of water is 8 pounds, losing 5 pounds means I lost over 2 quarts in sweating. And yes, it’s really warm down here, near or at 90 degrees every day the last few weeks.

    Ok, so I haven’t done the situps or the pushups, but I did bike 45 minutes and do the 4 lap (1.33) mile run. I crossed the 1 mile mark at 7:43 and the total time was 10:22, which is ironicly enough about 25 second slower than january. oh well, no big deal

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    Just becareful b/c I don’t want you to hurt yourself. How’s your heart btw? Mine is ok I guess. I’ll know more when I go see my cardio in July (i think). Take care and kiss on your nose. ~*~Nichole~*~

    May 23, 2005

    Wow, your workin out hardcore… i do that everynow and than when im otivated, but i can never maintain a steady workout habit… ill do like 1000 situps every night for a week, than ill stop for a couple weeks, lol… *lazy* Oops :(. hugs and much love,

    May 24, 2005

    Keep up the good work dear:-) *hugs*

    May 24, 2005

    I seriously need a regime where I keep track of such things. I just do whatever it is looks good at the time and don’t even know what poundage (is that a word?) I use.

    May 25, 2005

    Please dont kill yourself. But gota love the rick hard thighs.. *huggles*