Want to know how bad it is?

It’s bad enough that I effectively told Heather to drop dead. I’ve told several other people to step out of my life if they’re not going to be a constructive influence, and I got into it with Lauren. Chances are her and I will never speak again. So be it. Kinda a sad ending to someone that deep down, I once hoped to marry. But you know, there is only so much you can do. And I refuse to be the fall guy for everything that has gone wrong. I have enough trouble keeping my own life together at this point. I’ve tried my best but at some point…

Maybe the earth will get hit by the asteroid, but that’s still not for another 30 years. who knows….

A link to the asteriod in question:


More info on 2004mn4


for a impact effects calculator…


It would BTW hit with the force of a 1 Gigaton Nuclear weapon. Which wouldn’t be enough to wipe out life, but it certainly would cause… regional devestation. Like as in wiping parts of a state. or a country in europe if it hit. or if it hit in the ocean, a tsunami that would probably be a couple hundred feet high.

BTW, in 2046 it’s currently projected to come within 500 miles of the earth… and the area of uncertainty is larger than 500 miles….

have a good day

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April 19, 2005

Ok stop all of this talk about asteroids hitting the earth,youre going to make me depressed. Dear we all do what we must to stay sane and if that means you have to let go of some people so that you’ll be more healthy than thats what you have to do.If they really care for you they will understand,or maybe they wont.At times we all have to be a little selfish. Hang in there–This too shall pass

first off… holy crap this open diary bizniss is a pain! pop-ups galore… get a livejournal 😉 secondly… not that i have any right to do this anymore, but… *gets a good running start and aims carefully… then boots you in the ass* we’ll talk more later 😛

April 20, 2005

omg we are at the exact same parts in our life!!Ive been kicking out ppl left and right who I never thought I would. But, you have to surround yourself with good ppl.Kudos to you!

April 20, 2005

i havent talked to you in a while..just stopping by to see how life is treating you, and I see it doesn’t seem so well. Sorry, I hope it gets better for you. drop me a note sometime, or an email sometime, wickedlilrebelgirl@yahoo.com if you’d like… seeya marky

It wasn’t fair at all to tell me you want to marry me right after I told you i was getting married. I mean…that was about the dickist thing ever. And you actually expected me to believe it? No, that was something a boy says when he feels he would be losing something. It wasn’t heart felt, it was childish. Stop making people feel bad just because you are in a slump.