I write

I write to keep my sanity

I write to not kill myself

I write to hold the line

to fight

to live

to think

I write for the joy

I write for the pain

I write for the high

to move

to learn

to explore

Here is a hypothetical Interview with myself: LOL

So, why do you write?

It’s strange how writing can become almost addictive, In a way, it’s so wonderful to let the thoughts and ideas push out onto the page into a format that you control- you manipulate. What is writing but an extension of ourselves into the world. I’m not the greatest writer, and in a lot of ways I don’t think i’m really good. BUT, I know I can express the emotions, I know I can let people get into the characters and empathise with them.

No I can’t spell, to hell with spell checkers, that’s what slave- I mean editors are for *laughs*

Seriously, Writing is my hobby, (along with Diablo II, but shhhh) and it’s the real link I have to express what I feel and think.

Are the characters me? or or based on other people?

yes and no, they’re all me, they’re all based on other people. It’s a little hard to explain but let me try. every character comes from my interpretation of them. certainly some of the characters may be based on the images I have of other people, but in most cases, I’ve taken them and turned them into something that really has nothing to do with the reality that they are. Certainly a few characters are based loosely, very loosely on people, however their actions are entirely fictional, and have no basis in reality.

you just finished the rough draft for disintegration, you seem to have a lot of story untold, so what exactly are the Planned Novels?

The story “Disintegration” is smack in the middle of the whole series. I started with it first because I really want the back story to develop in it’s own right.

The novels as I would plan them out if I write them:

Faith – Time frame is when Burton goes to Europe and gets turned into a vampire, and extracts revenge. (and incidently, becoming damned)

Pornography – Starts at the end, as Burton is having his mind ruined by the people who are extracting retribution for his acts in europe. the entire story is basicly a flashback as his memories are torn from him. Rhee is killed, Kays fate is not known till later.

The Top – Burton, now filled with other memories heads down a self destructive rampage, believeing he killed his own wife and harmed his daughter. He Constructs a ‘shrine’ to Rhee. Rhee is able to remove his false memories, but unable to restore any memories of his former life.

Head On The Door, Kiss Me Kiss Me Kiss Me – Now memoryless, Burton begins a search to find out who he is, Encounters the Pack, gets the moniker “Kevlar” after a battle that, after pounding on him for a long period of time prompts one of the Pack members to laughingly remark, “Dude, you’re like Kevlar” Burton, thinking that’s as good a name as any, sticks with that name. However he is drawn towards a totem he made with windchimes. He talks to Rhee but he doesn’t remember who she is. The Pack, now teamed up with Kevlar get into several misadventures. Kay Appears briefly, and events move in the background seeking retribution. (very muddled synopsis, primarily because I’m imagining the vamipires who did this are watching in the background. and decide that enough is enough.

Disintegration – Retribution Sought, Memories are regained, a new love is discovered. and death nips at the heels of Burton/Kevlar, Salvation offered, rejected, this time for hope.

Wish – Follows Kay in her struggles to survive the lose of purpose, then refocuses on the effort to find and extract revenge on those who destroyed her life. (possibly setting up another cycle of revenge?)

Wild Mood Swings – Lauren and Kevlar Go to save someone that Lauren has regretted not saving. Complications ensue when they step on some local vampires toes. Further complicating things, Laurens Mother.

Bloodflowers – Kays efforts at revenge set in motion a sequence of events that threaten everyone. Hilarity Ensues.

9 books?

mmmyep, I have a bit of writing to do. Mind you, It’s not that I’m expecting things to simply boil down this simply. However, this is the snapshot I have in my head on the entire story. However, at the rate I write, It’ll take me decades to finish the entire story *laughs*

But hey, we all gotta have goals. and I suppose this is as good as one as any.

How did you write disintegration? Did you have a specific plan?

Actually, I started fairly aimless then I managed to write a section that wound up being part of chapter 11. Which is really the climax of the novel. Once I had that piece down, I realized where the story was going. Then I was able to fill in a brief synopsis of each chapter and, and then from there it became much more directed. So, it started without a plan, just a vague concept. The planning came later (though I think in the back of my head I always knew generally where the story was going).

So, what’s next?

Ideally what I want to do is work on other stories for a few weeks, get a feel for how a couple of other pieces are going. then I can turn back and seriously start to chop into the story.

Great, I’m interviewing myself. And the worst part? I didn’t know the answers to the questions until I actually started typing *laughs* I’m damn insane. And I ever wondered why people think I’m insane?

anyway, hope you like the insight. 🙂

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March 30, 2005

All very good reasons to write.It’s all about passion.