Links, but soooo worth it

Just be warned, it’s so hilarious

so wrong and so beautiful…. *cackles some more*

Van Helsing in 15 minutes

it’s so amazing, whoever this is should get total credit

and bows and worship for at least 1 minute LOL


Troy in 15 minutes

(it ends up she’s writing a book of various movies in 15 minutes

it should be interesting if she can keep up the level of

‘expertise’ shown in these two! 🙂

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“CARL: Oh my God! You… you smushed her to death!* Helsingwolf picks up Dead Anna, throws back his head, and emits a brokenhearted AROOOOOOOOOOO as he changes back to a half-naked man. Anna remains dead from smush.” *cackles* worst movie EVAR!!! excellent synopsis of it 😀